Bruh Led strip won’t turn on

I have tried to look thru this forum in detail and I have been unable to get my LED strips to come on using the Bruh configuration. Can anyone assist?

I can see the nodemcu in home assistant and can change configurations / lightings. I also am on Arduino monitor and it is receiving the jibberish on the monitor.

Here is my light strip that I am using. I even have everything on jumpers to ensure it is correctly hooked up.

Here are my light strips:
BTF-LIGHTING WS2811 5m 16.4ft 60leds/pixels/m 300leds IP65 Waterproof Black PCB Flexible Addressable Strip Light Dream Color DC12V I bought on amazon.

What do you mean it’s receiving jibberish on the arduino monitor? When you turn the strip from red to blue in HA, you should see something on the monitor that shows the rgb values changing…

This is what it has in the Arduino monitor on that serial port to prove it is communicating with the nodemcu:
)⸮p⸮⸮Ŷ⸮⸮ *⸮i⸮$⸮5$⸮⸮⸮`⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮)⸮#E8⸮iK⸮BH⸮=⸮ZE⸮)6p⸮@⸮⸮⸮#o⸮⸮I

I just received new logic shifters 5v to 3.3v and no lights on the strip are on even when home assistant says there is.

Are you on the correct baud rate?

I was on 9600 baud rate, what is the recommended rate?

Take a look in the source code you’ve published to your nodemcu to see what it’s expecting.


Yeah it is still jibberish:

You changed it to 115200? Did you change the board to nodemcu?

Yes I was on Node MCU see image

The baud rate is set in the com window …


If you don’t set it to the same as in your sketch you will get gibberish :wink:

When I compiled it, it was on 115200 baud rate. Any other reason you guys can think of why the LEDs are not turning on even though I can change all the effects and the nodemcu on?

I did buy a 12v 6A power adapter to drive 5m of WD2811 strip.

The logic shifter I am using is 5V to 3.3V.

I finally was able to see it communicating clearly with the serial monitor:

Message arrived [bar/shelves/set] {“state”: “ON”, “color”: {“r”: 26, “g”: 188, “b”: 0}}
Setting LEDs:
r: 11, g: 81, b: 0
Message arrived [bar/shelves/set] {“state”: “ON”, “color”: {“r”: 60, “g”: 233, “b”: 255}}
Setting LEDs:
r: 25, g: 100, b: 110
Message arrived [bar/shelves/set] {“state”: “ON”, “color”: {“r”: 57, “g”: 255, “b”: 223}}
Setting LEDs:
r: 24, g: 110, b: 96
Message arrived [bar/shelves/set] {“state”: “ON”, “color”: {“r”: 203, “g”: 148, “b”: 0}}

Any suggestions based on this?

Ok everyone I really could use your help. I tested my entire rig for voltage 3.3v, 5v, and 12v. Everything has power and is hooked up correctly. Double checked my voltage for data and it too requires 5v, which it is feeding. The nodemcu is getting the data packets. There is 12v power at the end of the light strip, so it must be in my config with home assistant or Arduino.

Here is RGB lights in RGB.yaml file:
te_topic: “bar/shelves”
command_topic: “bar/shelves/set”
effect: true
- bpm
- candy cane
- confetti
- cyclon rainbow
- dots
- fire
- glitter
- juggle
- lightning
- noise
- police all
- police one
- rainbow
- rainbow with glitter
- ripple
- sinelon
- solid
- twinkle
brightness: true
flash: true
rgb: true
optimistic: false
qos: 0
name: Animation Speed
initial: 150
min: 1
max: 150
step: 10

Here is the Arduino programming:
.______ .______ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ .. ______ . . ___ .. __ ______ .__ .
| _ \ | _ \ | | | | | | | | / \ | | | | | | / __ \ | / | / \ | || | / __ \ | \ | |
| |) | | |) | | | | | | |
| | / ^ \ | | | | ---| |----| | | | | \ / | / ^ \ ---| |----| | | | | | | | |
| _ < | / | | | | | __ | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | |/| | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | | . | | |_) | | |\ \-.| –’ | | | | | / _____ \ | --' | | | | –’ | | | | | / _____ \ | | | | | --' | | |\ | |______/ | _| .| _/ || || // __\ _/ || _/ || || // __\ || || ___/ || __|

Thanks much to @corbanmailloux for providing a great framework for implementing flash/fade with HomeAssistant

To use this code you will need the following dependancies:

  • Support for the ESP8266 boards.
    - You can add it to the board manager by going to File -> Preference and pasting into the Additional Board Managers URL field.
    - Next, download the ESP8266 dependancies by going to Tools -> Board -> Board Manager and searching for ESP8266 and installing it.

  • You will also need to download the follow libraries by going to Sketch -> Include Libraries -> Manage Libraries

    • FastLED
    • PubSubClient
    • ArduinoJSON

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include “FastLED.h”
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>

/************ WIFI and MQTT Information (CHANGE THESE FOR YOUR SETUP) *************/
const char
ssid = “xxxx”; //type your WIFI information inside the quotes
const char
password = “xxxx”;
const char
mqtt_server = “xxxx”;
const char
mqtt_username = “xxxx”;
const char
mqtt_password = “xxxx”;
const int mqtt_port = 1883;

/**************************** FOR OTA **************************************************/
#define SENSORNAME “barshelves” //change this to whatever you want to call your device
#define OTApassword “yourOTApassword” //the password you will need to enter to upload remotely via the ArduinoIDE
int OTAport = 8266;

/************* MQTT TOPICS (change these topics as you wish) ************************/
const char
light_state_topic = “bar/shelves”;
const char
light_set_topic = “bar/shelves/set”;

const char* on_cmd = “ON”;
const char* off_cmd = “OFF”;
const char* effect = “solid”;
String effectString = “solid”;
String oldeffectString = “solid”;


/*********************************** FastLED Defintions ********************************/
#define NUM_LEDS 300
#define DATA_PIN 5
//#define CLOCK_PIN 5
#define CHIPSET WS2811
#define MILLION 1000000

byte realRed = 0;
byte realGreen = 0;
byte realBlue = 0;

byte red = 255;
byte green = 255;
byte blue = 255;
byte brightness = 255;

Any help would be great.

rgb.yaml doesn’t look right to me, but you need to format your code for displaying in the forums, you do that by (when in the edit box here) leaving a clear line above and below the code, then select the code and press the </> preformated text button. Without doing that it’s very hard to debug as yaml is very picky about spacing and tabs.

Edit for code on forum


Anyway from the second post above we can see that both wifi and mqtt are working, so since we know that Bruhs sketch works for his setup, then it really comes down to which pins you are connected to and do they match the pins in the sketch.

RBG.yaml file formatted

  - platform: mqtt_json
    name: Bar_Shelf_Lights
    state_topic: "bar/shelves"
    command_topic: "bar/shelves/set"
    effect: true
      - bpm
      - candy cane  
      - confetti  
      - cyclon rainbow  
       - dots  
       - fire  
      - glitter  
      - juggle  
      - lightning
      - noise  
      - police all  
      - police one  
      - rainbow  
      - rainbow with glitter  
      - ripple  
      - sinelon  
      - solid  
      - twinkle  
    brightness: true
    flash: true
    rgb: true
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    name: Animation Speed
    initial: 150
    min: 1
    max: 150
    step: 10

dots and fire are not indented correctly

They are in the yaml file. I didn’t copy it correctly. Anything else?

Nope it looks good if that’s correct :slight_smile: Now can you take a picture of your hw and post it so we can see where you have connected the lights?

Hmm can’t really tell what pin the data line is on but it looks close to D5, assuming that is correct then either the level shifter is wired wrong or the wiring is wrong somewhere else. Have you checked that power and ground are getting to the leds? and that a +5v signal level is coming out of the level shifter?