Starting this thread to post updates on this project and get feedback - ideas. I know @rpitera was interested
Taking the BRUH sensor with NodeMCU but coding using micropython and Zerynth - intro on
So far have my hardware hooked up, and working through some of the examples on: this list is useful for inspiration
Started with the LED, and setup a mini webserver. I have to say it is pretty straightforward using the Zerynth app and micropython.
Features of this fork of the multisensor - please add any suggestions:
- Micropython
- Mini web server to display sensor data
- Suggestions… e.g. other supported sensors
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OK making some progress on this, all in micropython below
Have temperature, humidity and motion being published over MQTT, with visual indication via the built in LED. Next stage is to add sound and light level sensors, then 3D print a case. Any suggestions welcome.
NOTE: I would like to clarify that this project is in no way associated with BRUH other than taking inspiration from his work. Unfortunately I am unable to edit the title of this thread.
import pycom
import time
from machine import Pin
from dth import DTH
# The callback if motion on PIR
def pin_handler(arg):
print("Motion detected")
mqtt.publish("wipy/Motion", "Motion detected")
pycom.rgbled(0x7f0000) # red
pycom.rgbled(0x7f7f00) # yellow
pycom.rgbled(0x000008) # blue
pir = Pin('G4',mode=Pin.IN,pull=Pin.PULL_UP)
pir.callback(Pin.IRQ_RISING, pin_handler) # Only detect on rising
th = DTH(Pin('P3', mode=Pin.OPEN_DRAIN),0)
while True:
pycom.rgbled(0x000008) # blue
result =
if result.is_valid():
pycom.rgbled(0x001000) # green
gc.collect() # perform garbage collection
mqtt.publish("wipy/Memory", str(gc.mem_free()))
print("Temperature: %d C" % result.temperature)
mqtt.publish("wipy/Temperature", str(result.temperature))
print("Humidity: %d %%" % result.humidity)
mqtt.publish("wipy/Humidity", str(result.humidity))
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