BSB-Lan integration


I’am trying to connect the HA BSB-LAN module to my BSB-LAN but I have this error (log log…) :slight_smile:

I am 100% sur of my IP and login/password…

I don’t think this will be possible. So it’s not yet compatible. I hope to work on the firmware support soon.
If someone can give a list of the parameters that are needed than this would speed up development.
(this way I don’t need to upgrade my firmware)

"""BSBLAN constants."""

    "6224": "device_identification",
    "6225": "controller_family",
    "6226": "controller_variant",

    "6224": "device_identification",
    "6225": "controller_family",
    "6226": "controller_variant",

# dict of parameter needed for climate device.
# need to update values and request less?
    "700": "hvac_mode",
    "710": "target_temperature",
    "711": "target_temperature_high",
    "712": "target_temperature_low",
    "714": "min_temp",
    "730": "max_temp",
    "900": "hvac_mode2",
    "8000": "hvac_action",
    "8700": "outside_temperature",
    "8740": "current_temperature",
    "8749": "room1_thermostat_mode",

    "700": "hvac_mode",
    "710": "target_temperature",
    "711": "target_temperature_high",
    "712": "target_temperature_low",
    "714": "min_temp",
    "730": "max_temp",
    "900": "hvac_mode2",
    "8000": "hvac_action",
    "8700": "outside_temperature",
    "8740": "current_temperature room1",
    "8749": "room1_thermostat_mode",

    "8700": "outside_temperature",
    "8740": "current_temperature",
    # get sensor values
    "8700": "outside_temperature",

    "8001",  # status_heating_circuit2

# homeassistant values
    0: "off",
    1: "auto",
    2: "eco",  # presetmode?
    3: "heat",

    "off": 0,
    "auto": 1,
    "eco": 2,
    "heat": 3,

I need all the v2 info, Now it’s the same as v1. If this can be provided!!


Diagnostics is coming soon in an update. Need to be merged. This would help with trouble shoot. I guess you have also a newer firmware? it only supports v1

Oh… I am in V2…

There is a documentation to using BSB-LAn V2 with mqtt ?

Partially, look at my and others comments above.

I tried to figure out yesterday how to setup a MQTT select for HVAC_MODE (as it was mentioned above), but I couldn’t make it work. It received the mode from BSBLAN, but I couldn’t set it with the select.

Update: I looked at those codes and actually you need the new MQTT sensor definition, those are the depreciated ones.


It work with REST sensor so it is good for me.

Now I am looking how to create a switch/REST to change value.

Look at @tiger42 posts above like this one:

Look here for examples, there are a lot. :wink:

So actually v3.0 is out and you need to start with a fresh config and custom_defs.h from Fred for your language.

Yes I Just updated my device!!

I have to wait for the device specific file. This makes it a bit scary if with this integration we can monitor all sorts of devices. Maybe the manual setup mqtt and rest is the better option?

I will have a look if I can identify devices and find the right basic parameters.

I have never used the integration as I am using v2.x. But the main question, what do you want to control or read from a heater. I think the above listed example sums up the most common values. But might be a query for some other parameters could work, and some way let the user to add more parameters to monitor?

Just try the new update but I have an issu.

It show me a wrong température : -7.2 instead of 19.

There is a conversion issue, it thinks 19 is in Fahrenheit and converts it to -7.2 Celsius.

it seems I do not get the ESP32 to send the data.
My HA instance says, the ESP is up and running via developer entity check

source_type: router
mac: 7C:9E:BD:61:4C:90
host_name: BSB-Heizung
last_time_reachable: 2022-11-15T16:26:34+00:00
connection_type: WLAN
ssid: xxxxxx
icon: mdi:lan-connect
friendly_name: BSB-Heizung

But my mqtt sensor in configuration.yaml is still ‘unknown’

    - name: "mqtt temp bsb"
      state_topic: "BSB-LAN/8700"
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      device_class: temperature

Any idea what’s wrong?
Maybe I am struggling again with YAML syntax?


It seems - after some checks with MQTT explorer - that it should be

    - name: "mqtt temp bsb"
      state_topic: "BSB-LAN/8700.00"
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      device_class: temperature

@Liese, it was just discussed in this issue what I posted above.

The current version doesn’t support version 3.0 yet. I am working on this.
The wrong unit is because BSBLAN project changed the string they used to identify unit. The new version that is almost ready will fix this and support the latest master. There was a bug in latest release of the firmware so please upgrade to the latest master commit.

pull request is done! waiting for merge

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I‘m still using the old BSB v 0.44
Since some days, after an HA update, the HAVC panel doesn’t show the BSB integration anymore. Is this expected?

If you could make an issue on GitHub. This could speed up the merge process. It should be fixed with the latest pull request that is waiting for a merge. Not sure why it broke as it didn’t fail test the previous version. It could be that I pulled more info from bsblan and this is maybe not available on certain devices. The latest version only pulls the minimum and hopefully this will fix the issue.

Regards Willem-Jan