BSB-LAN - Probe

Hello community,

I installed BSB-LAN (GitHub - fredlcore/BSB-LAN: LAN/WiFi interface for Boiler-System-Bus (BSB) and Local Process Bus (LPB) and Punkt-zu-Punkt Schnittstelle (PPS) with a Siemens(TM) controller used by Elco Thision, Brötje and similar heating systems) on my heat pump and I can manage it under HA. Thanks Frederik :clap:

I wanted to know what you do for those who have a probe. Currently I have wired the probe in bypass with the BSB-LAN. The probe (Atlantic qaa55.11x) is poorly placed (too close to the garage) and I was not planning to move it elsewhere. Is it recommended to unplug the probe and manage the temperature via HA and how do you do it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @liudger, have you got a Idea ? Thanks

You can indeed push temperature to bsblan at an interval. I think it’s in the BSBLAN integration thread how to do this. Or on BSBLAN github page.