BSEED Dimmer Switch - I can read parameters, I can't control it

The device does not work with the original quirk. (BSEED Zigbee Dimmer Switch GL86ZTD11 Zigbee compatibility )

With custom quirk I can read parameters, I can’t manage device.
custom quirk: zha-device-handlers/ at fb5d256299dd789536034ca33a91afc646a07251 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

Does anyone have an idea, please, how to prepare the device so that I can control it?

What do you want to “control” on a switch?

I want turn on and off the light and control brightness.
A change in the application does not change the state on the switch, but after a few seconds it returns to the state that is actually on the switch.

With the HA updates the dimmer started working. I can control it now.

Helloe @AleksHA , can you be specific about “control” ?
I purchased this dimmer switch and noticed the following:

  1. When I use the Home Assistant User Interface to switch on/off or dimm the light, then I can see it works well.
  2. When I press the buttons on the panel, then only the on/off button seems to work. The dimm up/down buttons do not do anything.

Is that what you are experiencing? If not, can you let me know how you fixed that ?

My Home Assistant is the newest version, I should have everything up to date.


I bought the Dimmer too. And can confirm that the Dimmer-Buttons only function if the Mainbutton in the middle is on. So my problem is that I wanted to control (dimming) other (not physically conected) LED-Stribes at first. But the entity for the Dimmer-Button are missing.

Is there any idea to solve this?