BSEED (TuYa) (zigbee) (dimmer) switches experience

Ok, so I want to give my experience with parts from BSEED, namely

At first, why did I buy these - if you have a panel with multiple switches / sockets, and you don’t want and/or can remodel it to multi-gang switches, then this is (was ~year ago) the only option to have a nice uniform (European) panel with up to 5 smart (zigbee) units (we have up to 4 in our house). Yes, I don’t like idea of trying to align several independent switches/sockets next to each other.

I start with what I like about these units:

  • you can create a panel of up to 5 units
  • you can combine switches with other sockets (power, signal, …), and still keep reasonably similar design
  • zigbee works reliably
  • dimmers can set min/max brightness (255 steps)
  • mechanical quality is OK (I have no complains)
  • dummy 2-way switches can be coupled with zigbee dimmer (or switch), I use TuYa TS110E_1gang_1

What I don’t like I will split to 2 sections. Lets start with mainly electronic quality issues:

  • each dimmer unit has coil whine, albeit most of them are relatively quiet and inaudible once the (glass) cover plate is put on
  • I have at least dimmer 2 units (out of ~10) with strong high pitch coil whine that can be heard from up to ~2m
  • another unit is having some kind of coil “rattling”, not sure yet if it can be heard when covered (the coil whine of other units may be beating this)
  • I think all dimmer units don’t properly stabilize the power & most of our smart light-bulbs (Philips 8718699688820, Ledvance 4058075208391, I think also Innr RS 227 T) are more-or-less occasionally flickering, especially during the problematic hours (sunset, early night) - I didn’t have this issue with previous dumb dimmers
  • power wires screws are soft copper, so you need to be careful when tightening
  • attached wall housing screws are not compatible with EU thread
  • EU wall housing screw heads are too small - they go through the openings of the metal holder → I use M4 washers

I need to replace 2-3 units (but can’t get to it for time reasons…)

Last, features that I miss and things I don’t like:

  • no zigbee direct binding (or zigbee 2 way switch) → for me relevant mainly for 2-way switches if you want them to work in case your network is down
  • touch panel - only small circles on the glass are touch sensitive. This is not practical/ergonomic - tricky to touch in some situations (full hands, from behind the corner…) → Make the whole glass touch sensitive / split it to parts for dimmer/multi-gang switches.
  • no OTA updates (hopefully will never be needed)
  • not possible to use dimmer as “value changer” without adjusting the output power (do smth as Aqara H1 switch that allows to decouple the switch from relay)
  • basic functionality only (no power meter, temperature, humidity,…)
  • blue backlight LED can’t be switched off (at least not with zigbee2mqtt, homeassistant)
  • the dumb touch dimmer switch can’t be coupled to zigbee switch unit → need to use mechanical switch (with less sleek design)


Thanks for your insights. How do you replace 2 and 3 way switches with these ones? I’ve been trying to bind them with no success u til I reached your post. I have zigbee2mqtt and home assistant only

Thankyou in advance


bin gerade zufällig auf diesen Beitrag gestoßen, ich bin am Suchen nach Infos nach umsetzbaren Lösungen für elektr. Rollläden.

Ich wĂĽrde zur Entlastung von WLAN eher Zigbee verwenden wollen, bin mir noch sehr unsicher bezĂĽglich der zu nutzenden Hardware.

Die oben beschriebenen Probleme klingen nicht gut.

Hat jemand Tipps?


Hello. I was hoping you could help me out.
I bought BSEED Zigbee touch smart switches - 2 and 3 gang switches, 1 way each. The idea is to use one of the buttons on the switch for the light it is connected to, and programme the remaining buttons to do other things.

How did you get it to work? I have it wired up, and I can turn the light on/off… but I can’t pair it with HA. I’m using a raspberry-pi 4b and a conbee3 stick. Im very new to this and I have actually never managed to pair a zigbee device to HA as of yet.

Could you please help?

Push the button and keep it pushed until the switch goes into pairing mode :wink: