my problem deals with BT controller in general on Home Assistant (not only this integration):
Logger: custom_components.ble_monitor.bt_helpers
Source: custom_components/ble_monitor/bt_helpers.py:162
Integration: Passive BLE monitor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:48:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:48:46
There are no BT controllers present in the system!
How can I activate BT controller? (I’ve a Dongle 3.0 sonoff with Silicon Firmware)
I tried everything but I can’t solve it.
Home Assistant 2023.3.6 works in Virtual Box (windows 10 on miniPC)
( Not sure about VB, As i use the best for HA, VMWare ) . however In your VB-Setting you have to look at network ( most likely ) , and as IP-NIC you also have to “Bridge” Bluetooth ( before HA have a chance to “discover it”
PS: Obviously VMWare and VB uses 2 different ways to enabling support for Bluetooth in guests
Just realize you use usb-dongle, So it’s under USB-Devices in VB settings you’ll have to enable “sharing” of bluetooth ( sharing or whatever it’s called in VB )
Yes, as you seems to use Oracle Virtual Box, i think you need a Bluetooth-Dongle, If VB not is capable of using A buildin-bluetooth device on your miniPC
I’ve heard about(read) people who had problems with VB and bluetooth( buildin, but even dongles ) , but obvious some dont … in any case it something that has to be configured in more than 1 place as you are running a virtual environment