The great thing about the beacon is that you are totally free to do what you want. It supports iBeacon, Eddystone annd custom advertising data in which you can freely define your own data packet. This, on the other hand, makes it difficult for beginners like me. Take a look at the NanoBeacon Config Tool if you like NanoBeacon™ Config Tool — InPlay
There’s also a showcase video based on the SHT40 Ep14. I2C Configuration Explained with Sensirion SHT40 Temperature/Humidity Sensor Example - YouTube
I’ve composed an experimental custom data package and it appears to be working:
0x0201060D16D2FC403D8D6C02<TEMP 2byte 0 0>4A<VCC 2byte 1 0>
This will send out the internal sensor temp and board voltage.
What I want to achieve is, transmit i2c slave data. The sht31 datasheet says that both temperature and humidity consist of 3 byte packages, of which I only need the first 2 (3rd is crc).
As per your suggestion I could chop them up in 1 or 2 byte data packets and assemble them back in HA (need to figure out how). That would lead to the following data package:
0x0201060F16D2FC403D<I2C1R0 2byte 0 0>09<I2C1R2 1byte 0 0>3D<I2C1R3 2byte 0 0>09<I2C1R5 1byte 0 0>
Broken down:
Header: 0x020106
15 byte payload length: 0E
Service data: 16
Device info: 40
i2c measurement:
Bytes 1+2, offset 0: 3D<I2C1R0 2byte 0 0>
Byte 3, offset 2: 09<I2C1R2 1byte 0 0>
Byte 4+5, offset 3: 3D<I2C1R3 2byte 0 0>
Byte 6, offset 5: 09<I2C1R5 1byte 0 0>
This should theoretically work, but I’m hessitant to try because if you want to include i2c data the Beacon has to be programmed permanently. You can freely experiment with other data by running in ram, just not with i2c.
What do you think @Ernst, will this work?
I will also ask InPlay to review the data package, to include BTHome support in the Config Tool and for an API to make interfacing with, and integration in, HA possible. Maybe you can contact InPlay as well to lobby to make this possible? The more BTHome is used, the more manufacturers will support it.
Thanks for your help