Thank you. I had misunderstood it.
It’s a pity the lack of support for ZigBee
Thank you. I had misunderstood it.
It’s a pity the lack of support for ZigBee
Can’t we speak with Ticino 300X via openwebnet on port 20000 to gather informations ?
300x has 20000 open but not public API for use it.
The only way is use Works for Legrand API
Hello, i’m not able to see the energy value from Bticino F520.
I’ve already tried these different configurations:
{"type":"Sensor", "name": "Fase Sensor", "address": "0051"},
{"type":"Sensor", "name": "Fase Sensor2", "address": "54"},
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Fase Energy", "address": "53"},
{"type":"F522", "name": "Fase F522", "address": "0057"},
{"type":"F522", "name": "Fase F522 2", "address": "58"}
{"type":"F523", "name": "Fase F523", "address": "56"},
{"type":"F520", "name": "Fase F520", "address": "55"},
Addresses from 51 to 59 are all energy sensors (Bticino F520)
The last two rows are not included in the generated sdomoticabticino.yaml file.
I know that F520 is not included in the manual but I’ve tried as a last chance.
F523 is included in the manual but is not shown in the home assistant interface because is not included in the sdomoticabticino.yaml file.
Can you help me?
as per manual the address is only one digit without 5
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Generale","address": "1"},
{"type":"F522", "name": "Lavastoviglie","address": "2"}
{"type":"F523", "name": "Lavatrice","address": "5"},`Preformatted text`
Thus change your code into
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Fase Sensor", "address": "1"},
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Fase Sensor2", "address": "4"},
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Fase Energy", "address": "3"},
{"type":"F522", "name": "Fase F522", "address": "7"},
{"type":"F522", "name": "Fase F522 2", "address": "8"}
{"type":"F523", "name": "Fase F523", "address": "6"},
{"type":"Energy", "name": "Fase F520", "address": "5"},
With one digit it works.
Thanks for your help!
I’m trying to configure the Bticino alarm, i’ve set this configuration:
{"type":"SecuritySystem", "name": "Antifurto", "zone": "2",
"STAY_ARM": "*9*4*1##",
"AWAY_ARM": "*9*1*9##",
"NIGHT_ARM": "*9*4*3##",
"DISARMED": "*9*0*9##",
"ZONA1": "Finestra lavanderia P2",
"ZONA2": "Porta camera P2"
but when i check the configuration in home assistant it says:
Invalid config for [group]: [control] is an invalid option for [group]. Check: group->group->allarmeBT->control. (See ?, line ?).
I’ve checked the generated sdomoticabticino.yaml file and i see:
control: hidden
name: Antifurto
- alarm_control_panel.antifurto
- sensor.finestra_lavanderia_p2
- sensor.porta_camera_p2
I’ve tried to comment the line control:hidden and the configuration has been validated, i can see the item “Finestra lavanderia P2” but his state is unknown.
Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
I have a doubt on the right value in “zone” attribute in the SecuritySystem type which is the requested value?
Thanks for your help.
Best regards
je viens d acheter une maison équipée en domotique legrand et bticino. J ai un serveur F454.
Je peux piloter, les volets roulant, la lumière par un écran et une application myombox.
J ai aussi le système cosytouch qui me permet de piloter mon gainable à distance ( pompe à chaleur, clim atlantic)
J ai aussi un système d enregistrement vidéo de type comelit.
Tout est connecté en filaire.
3 applications différentes.
J aimerais avoir qu une seule application pour commander ma maison.
Avez-vous des conseils à me donner ?
Je n arrive pas à configurer sdomotica.
Y a t il une doc en français ?
Est ce que je peux récupérer la confit de myhome ?
Would it be possible to control/speak to a Legrand/Bticino Classe 300X if a MyHomeServer1 (or equivalent) is installed?
You need a F454 or F453AV, but only video
Thanks! So the door opener would not be available?
Put a Shelly or other is cheapest to buy Sdomotica
Hello Sdomotica,
so to make it clear, connecting to MyHomeServer1 and using Hometouch panel with Legrand Classe 300X Video Door System, is not supported by your gateway for HA ?
No, you need a F454 or F453AV for video (no audio) and lock control
ma funziona solo su raspberry?
Si, in questo modo posso garantire la stabilità e funzionamento.
prevedi di aggiornare Sdomotica per RPI4?
Sdomotica Addons are totally working on RPI4 and all the raspberry versions.
Gli addon sono già compatibili con RPI4, basta aggiungere la repository e provare ad installarli
Termo 99 Zone 3550 integrated