⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

@tluethi71 These are all ways to define how multiline strings will be interpreted.

  1. styles: |:
  • The text block is interpreted/displayed exactly as it is entered, including spaces and line breaks.
  1. styles: >-:
  • line breaks in the text block are replaced with spaces, so the text is interpreted/displayed on a single line.
  1. styles: |-:
  • Line breaks in the text block are preserved, but no additional line break is added at the end of the block.
  1. styles: |2-:
  • Each line in the text block is indented by two spaces.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for me either:

Good. point. I had forgotten that’s why I only use groups, or scripts for more complicated things. I also write toggle scripts

Does this go in the individual bubble card itself? I haven’t tackled the css customizations yet because they seem a little intimidating.

Yes indeed.

I understand .css can be intimidating but you can start with something easy.
Like just copy-pasting the code presented here.


If you find this to be to much you can wait a couple of days/weeks until I have finished the new code and Cloos accepts it.

The new code will look something like this. (depending on if Cloos agreas)

For the icon, you could use a small hack. Just fill in “no-icon” where it asks for a custom icon, then it will not find it and leave it blank.

For the sub-button, add cover, like this.

  background-image: url("https://community.home-assistant.io/user_avatar/community.home-assistant.io/mrbearpresident/48/585054_2.png") !important;
  display: block !important;    
  background-size: cover;      



Thanks, I don’t mind waiting for the bugs to be ironed out.


The current implementation using the css snippet you gave ends up with buttons outside of the bubble. I guess I’ll just wait, looking forward to this fix.

Are you using sections already?
If not I’ll advice you switch to it.
Then in the layout tab from HA choose: 2 rows.

You can also choose (in the bubble-card under “styling options”) the “card layout”: Large with 2 sub-button rows.
This will make the sub-buttons smaller.


This code:

.bubble-button-card-container {
 border-radius: 10px !important;
.bubble-icon {
 color: ${parseFloat(hass.states['sensor.solar_watt'].state) > 100 ? '#9EBE51' : '#7F7F7F'} !important;

living here in the editor:

gives me this:

I can change the value to 5px and immediately see the change in the preview.

Thanks, that works, the combination of background-size and display did it, the official example in the documentation just has one, which leads to the picture being not centered and resized properly. :+1:

@Cloos Please check the video. I don’t know if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong.

Whenever I try to change the volume, the text disappears from the media player card.

type: custom:bubble-card
card_type: media-player
entity: media_player.speaker
card_layout: large-2-rows
cover_background: true

Kindly guide how to fix this.

Thank you.

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Maybe a dumb question:
Does anybody know, how to achive the same background color as the regular HA theme, when switching from dark to bright mode?

I want to integrate the cards visually into the standard behavior and look from HA (almost white during day, dark gray during night, preferably with a contour).


I am also really keen for this.

He is using the climate card. Guess that has a different container name, like also the media player requires another code:

.bubble-media-player-container {
  border-radius: 10px !important;

I do not use the climate card, needs to be looked up in the styles file on github.

Now, i think i’ve found it :slight_smile:

.bubble-climate-container {
 border-radius: 10px !important;

This should do the trick for you. :slight_smile:
@flobidan was on the right track there.

  --bubble-border-radius: 12px;
  --bubble-select-list-width: 200px;
  --bubble-icon-border-radius: 200px;

  height: calc( var(--row-height) * var(--row-size) + var(--row-gap) * ( var(--row-size) - 1 )) !important;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: var(--ha-card-border-width,1px) !important;
  border-color: var(--ha-card-border-color,var(--divider-color,#e0e0e0));

  background: var(--ha-card-background,var(--card-background-color,#fff));

Hello, After the last update, after partially lowering the blind, I can no longer lower the blind. Is there a way to make these two icons always active?

Thanks, but it doesn’t, as I wrote in my first post :wink: That’s why I’ve asked…

Edit: ok, copied your code and it worked,then noticed, that I’ve missed the “!” in my code… thanks for pointing me in the right direction…

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@RKCKBN Sorry, did miss this. :man_with_probing_cane:

Nevertheless, i tried this with a climate card by myself and it works as expected.
Did you try this on an individual card? This is what i did for testing (not in the source style file)… Just to confirm that it works at all on your side…

Thank you, this looks promising, although it get this (background is not 10px rounded):

Got something in the wrong place, now it works great. Thanks again.

.bubble-button-card-container {
 border-radius: 10px !important;
 background: var(--ha-card-background,var(--card-background-color,#fff));
 border-style: solid;
 border-width: var(--ha-card-border-width,1px) !important;
 border-color: var(--ha-card-border-color,var(--divider-color,#e0e0e0));