⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

I found the error:
Instead of the curly bracket I had a normal bracket at the end of the “.bubble-sub-button-container”.

Here is the working code:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: button
    button_type: name
    card_layout: large
    name: Badezimmer
    icon: mdi:bathtub
    show_state: false
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: Badezimmer
        action: navigate
        navigation_path: Badezimmer
      - entity: sensor.raumklima_bad_co2
        show_background: false
        show_state: true
        icon: mdi:molecule-co2
        tap_action: more-info
          action: more-info
      - entity: sensor.raumklima_bad_luftfeuchtigkeit
        show_background: false
        show_state: true
        tap_action: more-info
          action: more-info
      - entity: sensor.raumklima_bad_temperatur
        show_background: false
        show_state: true
        tap_action: more-info
          action: more-info
    styles: |
      .bubble-button-card {
        height: 80px !important;
        background: transparent !important;
        font-size: 15px !important;
      .bubble-name-container {
        top: -25px;
      .bubble-sub-button-container {
         position: absolute !important;
         bottom: 0px !important;
         justify-content: left !important;
         width: calc(100% - 20px) !important;
         right: inherit !important;
         margin: 10px !important;
         height: 30px !important;
      .bubble-feedback-element {
         height: 200% !important;
      .bubble-name {
         font-size: 15px !important;
      .bubble-sub-button-1 {
        background-color: ${hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_co2'].state >= 1250 ? 'tomato' :
                          hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_co2'].state >= 750 ? '#FFB347' :
                          hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_co2'].state >= 100 ? 'transparent' :
                          'transparent'} !important;
      .bubble-sub-button-2 {
        background-color: ${hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_luftfeuchtigkeit'].state >= 80 ? 'tomato' :
                          hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_luftfeuchtigkeit'].state >= 60 ? '#FFB347' :
                          'transparent'} !important;
        color: ${hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_luftfeuchtigkeit'].state >= 60 && hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_luftfeuchtigkeit'].state <= 80 ? '#383838' : 'inherit'} !important;
      .bubble-sub-button-3 {
        background-color: ${hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_temperatur'].state >= 28 ? 'tomato' :
                          hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_temperatur'].state >= 23 ? '#FFB347' :
                          hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_temperatur'].state >= 17 ? 'transparent' :
                          'LightSkyBlue'} !important;
        color: ${hass.states['sensor.raumklima_bad_temperatur'].state < 17 ? '#383838' : 'inherit'} !important;
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: Badezimmer
    show_icon: false
    force_icon: false
    scrolling_effect: false

Hello, serched this thread, but with no luck and decided to ask.
It is possible to add frame around Bubble button and change frame color?
So bubble button have the same frame as other button on screenshot.
If it is possible whats style name/code to add that frame?

What are you looking for? A progress bar button card like this?

Schermopname 2024-12-22 om 11.27.17


Any chance of sharing the code for these? Look great!

That progress bar (timer for switch) is in totaly different card, but i want add the thin light golden border line/frame around that card to Bubble card so both cards look the same.
Not sure if see good, but in your cards there is white border line around cards or its just added shadow effect? (hard to say when its white on white). But if its white border like it could work.

When you look on turned off switch, there is just dark background, and i want to add that bordel line around button.

Check out my version
Feel free to use whatever you like from source.


1 Like

How can I change a sub-icon colour based on a sensor value? I want to change the battery color based on the battery percentage, green until 50 %, yellow between 25 and 50%, and red bellow 25%.

I used to have like this on mushroom template:

color: >
  {% set battery = states('sensor.maximinos_battery') | int %} {% if battery >
  50 %}
  {% elif battery > 25 %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

With bubble card I’m trying to get there, but I’m getting nowhere. :smiley:
I’m trying to do it with fixed values because I know that I’m messing in the construction, like I’m using state and I want a value…

.bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
  color: ${hass.states['sensor.maximinos_battery'].state === '45' ? 'green' : 'red'} !important;

Hope that anyone can help me with this, I looked in the documentation but didn’t found for this case.

Try like this

.bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
    color: ${
      hass.states['sensor.maximinos_battery'].state > '50' ? 'green' :
      hass.states['sensor.maximinos_battery'].state > '25' ? 'yellow' :
      'red'} !important;
1 Like

I’m not getting any error but the icon stay white.

Could you paste the entire card code?

I just needed to remove the ‘’ from ‘50’ and ‘25’ and it worked.


Maybe this was already discussed but i have two questions:

1: how can i get this

2: how can i get rid of this

Use kiosk-mode to get rid of the header (2nd image)

For 1:

Go to GitHub - Clooos/Bubble-Card: Bubble Card is a minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch.

And open “Advanced example: Creating an horizontal row of sub-buttons (screenshot included)”

1 Like

I love these cards. However, I have hit an issue that I’m sure is a simple fix that I’m missing.

I tend to build elements of my dashboard outside of my main dashboard and then transfer them when they are ready for the family to use.

I did just that for some reason numbers for our solar installation tracking how much we have saved and an estimate for when it has paid for itself. Need a full year of data before it is accurate but that is not the issue.

Everything looks fine in my test dashboard. As soon as I put it in a popup my individual cards have gaps in them. See images and code below.

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
  style: |
      border: 6px double green !important;
      --stack-card-gap: 0 !important;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      style: |
          border-radius: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: System Cost
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-right: 2px solid green !important;
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;    
        secondary: ${{ states ('input_number.amount_remaining')  }}
        entity: input_number.amount_remaining
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Total Saved
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: ${{ states ('input_number.total_saved')  }}
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        entity: input_number.total_saved
        layout: vertical
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Remaining
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-left: 2px solid green !important;
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: ${{ states ('sensor.break_even_amount')  }}
        entity: sensor.break_even_amount
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      style: |
          border-radius: 0px
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Avg Saved/Day
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-right: 2px solid green !important;
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: ${{ states ('sensor.average_saved_day')  }}
        entity: sensor.average_saved_day
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: true
        multiline_secondary: false
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Saved Today
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: ${{ states ('sensor.daily_saved')  }}
        entity: sensor.daily_saved
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Daily Credits
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-left: 2px solid green !important;
              border-bottom: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: >-
          ${{ states
        entity: sensor.esphome_web_b79230_total_daily_energy_return_compensation
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      style: |
          border-radius: 0px
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Time Remaining
          style: |
            ha-card {
              border-right: 2px solid green !important;
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: >-
          {{ states ('sensor.time_remaining_years')  }} Yrs & {{ states
          ('sensor.time_remaining_days') }} Days
        entity: sensor.time_remaining_days
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Days Tracked
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background-color: rgba(41,45,94,1) !important;
        secondary: "{{ states ('counter.days_tracked')  }}"
          action: none
          action: none
          action: more-info
        entity: counter.days_tracked
        layout: vertical

I don’t have a computer today and I can only edit with my mobile, so I can’t inspect the CSS. I have made these cards but I do not know how to align the content of each sub button to the left (it is now centered).

Any ideas?

Bubble Style: Bubble-Card/src/cards/button/styles.ts at 28c5037cc065a64faea3cd9bebec7f3d621104b6 · Clooos/Bubble-Card · GitHub

View Dashboard code

title: Despacho
cards: []
icon: mdi:desk
subview: false
type: sections
theme: Bubble_With_Colors
max_columns: 1
  - type: grid
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: separator
        name: Sistemas
        icon: mdi:table-network
        card_layout: large
        styles: |-
          .bubble-separator {

          .bubble-line {
            background: var(--primary-text-color);
            opacity: 0.3;
            height: 3px;
          - entity: sensor.ht_rack_temperature
            name: Temperatura Rack
            icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
            state_background: true
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            show_name: true
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: state
        icon: phu:mikrotik
          - entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_pppoe_digi_tx
            name: Upload
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:upload
            show_state: true
          - entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_pppoe_digi_rx
            name: Download
            icon: mdi:download
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
          - name: CPU
            entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_rb5009ug_s_cpu_load
            show_state: true
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:memory
          - entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_rb5009ug_s_memory_usage
            name: RAM
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: fas:memory
          - entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_rb5009ug_s_cpu_temperature
            name: Temp
            show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
          - entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_rb5009ug_s_hdd_usage
            show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            name: SSD
            icon: cil:imac-ssd
        card_layout: large-2-rows
        name: Mikrotik
        styles: |-
          .bubble-sub-button {
            width: 70px!important;

          ${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = 'RB 5009' }
        entity: sensor.mk_rb5009_rb5009ug_s_uptime
        show_state: false
        show_attribute: true
        show_icon: true
        scrolling_effect: false
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: state
        icon: mdi:home-assistant
          - name: Upload
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:upload
            show_state: true
            entity: sensor.system_monitor_trafico_de_red_de_salida_de_eno1
          - entity: sensor.system_monitor_trafico_de_red_de_entrada_de_eno1
            name: Download
            icon: mdi:download
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
          - name: CPU
            show_state: true
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:memory
            entity: sensor.system_monitor_uso_del_procesador
          - name: RAM
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: fas:memory
            entity: sensor.system_monitor_uso_de_memoria_2
          - name: Temp
            show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
            entity: sensor.system_monitor_temperatura_del_procesador
          - show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            name: SSD
            icon: cil:imac-ssd
            entity: sensor.system_monitor_uso_del_disco_de_2
        card_layout: large-2-rows
        name: Home Assistant
        styles: |-
          .bubble-sub-button {
            width: 70px!important;

          ${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = 'RB 5009' }
        show_state: false
        show_attribute: false
        show_icon: true
        scrolling_effect: false
        entity: sensor.system_monitor_ultimo_arranque
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: state
        icon: phu:nginx
          - name: Upload
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:upload
            show_state: true
            entity: sensor.nginx_enp2s0_tx
          - entity: sensor.nginx_enp2s0_rx
            name: Download
            icon: mdi:download
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
          - name: CPU
            show_state: true
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:memory
            entity: sensor.nginx_uso_de_cpu
          - name: RAM
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: fas:memory
            entity: sensor.nginx_uso_de_memoria
          - name: Temp
            show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
            entity: sensor.nginx_temperatura_de_package_id_0
          - show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            name: SSD
            icon: cil:imac-ssd
            entity: sensor.nginx_uso_de_disco_de
        card_layout: large-2-rows
        name: NGINX
        styles: |
          .bubble-sub-button {
            width: 70px!important;

          ${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = 'RB 5009' }
        show_state: false
        show_attribute: false
        show_icon: true
        scrolling_effect: false
        entity: sensor.nginx_tiempo_de_funcionamiento
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: state
        icon: mdi:mastodon
          - name: Upload
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:upload
            show_state: true
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_enp3s0_tx
          - name: Download
            icon: mdi:download
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_enp3s0_rx
          - name: CPU
            show_state: true
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:memory
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_uso_de_cpu
          - name: RAM
            show_name: false
            show_icon: true
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: fas:memory
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_uso_de_memoria
          - name: Temp
            show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_state: true
            show_background: false
            icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_temperatura_de_composite
          - show_icon: true
            show_name: false
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
            name: SSD
            icon: cil:imac-ssd
            entity: sensor.mastodon_server_uso_de_disco_de
        card_layout: large-2-rows
        name: Mastodon
        styles: |
          .bubble-sub-button {
            width: 70px!important;

          ${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = 'RB 5009' }
        show_state: false
        show_attribute: false
        show_icon: true
        scrolling_effect: false
        entity: sensor.mastodon_server_tiempo_de_funcionamiento
path: despacho-rack

1 Like

Is it possible to add the current weekday to a displayed string?
For example in a Seperator text?

I know the examples from Github to use Javascript inside the CSS section for using computed text.
But I guess it won’t update when the next day start …

Ok, I also don’t get how the icon and weather state is updated on the example “Advanced example: Templating a separator name based on a state translated to your language” here:

Is the whole card updated because of the temperature-subicon and the idea behind this example is, that the icon and condition won’t change as long as the temperature hasn’t changed?

In this case, I could add a time-based helper that switches on at midnight and off a minute later (and then hide the sub-button using CSS).
The weekday string can then be generated in Javascript in the style/css section.

I tried to set it up that way, let’s see it the date is updated tomorrow morning :stuck_out_tongue:

- type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: separator
    name: Name
      - entity: binary_sensor.midnighthelper
        name: Midnight-Helper
        show_name: true
        show_icon: false
    styles: >-
      .bubble-name:before {
        color: red;
        content: attr(data-before);
        padding-right: 0.5em
      .bubble-sub-button-container {
        display: none;
      ${card.querySelector('.bubble-name').setAttribute('data-before', new
      Date().toLocaleDateString('de-DE', {weekday: 'long'}).toUpperCase())};
      ${card.querySelector('.bubble-name').innerText = new
      Date().toLocaleDateString('de-DE', {day: 'numeric', month:

Hello! How can I remove the decimals in a sub-button? This is the Custom Style/Template code I’m using:

.bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
    color: ${
      hass.states['sensor.quarto_p_temperature'].state > 20 ? 'green' :
      hass.states['sensor.quarto_p_temperature'].state > 25 ? 'red' :
      'blue'} !important;
.bubble-sub-button-2 > ha-icon {
    color: #4c4cff !important;
${subButtonIcon[0].setAttribute("icon", hass.states['sensor.quarto_p_temperature'].state >= '20' ? 'fas:temperature-half' : hass.states['sensor.sonoff_snzb_02d_quarto_kika_temperatura'].state >= '25' ? 'fas:temperature-full' : 'fas:temperature-empty') } !important;


Another question I have, how can I remove the background of a state button. I’m trying to just leave the pictures of the persons at home, when someone is at home, it shows the image, that part I know how to do, but I want to show only the round pictures and not the rectangle button, is it possible?

Hope anyone can help me!

Check the entity, it should allow you to remove the extra decimal.

I am using the pop-up card to display a map, however the map in the pop-up doesn’t apply any of the intended attributes (focus etc). It works fine when not included within the pop-up vertical stack.

Any suggestions please?

my card:

type: vertical-stack
  - hash: "#findmy"
    type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: pop-up
    button_type: name
    name: FindMy
    icon: mdi:radar
    auto_close: "45000"
    scrolling_effect: false
    width_desktop: 75%
    close_on_click: false
    styles: |-
      .bubble-button-card-container {
              background: rgba(12,120,50,0.5) !important;
  - type: map
      - device_tracker.r_iphone
      - device_tracker.g_iphone
      - device_tracker.m_iphone
      - device_tracker.i_iphone
      - device_tracker.k_location
      - entity: zone.home
        focus: true
    theme_mode: auto
    default_zoom: 14
    auto_fit: false
    fit_zones: false
  grid-area: F7

This is the pop-up it creates. The map attributes SHOULD focus the map on the home zone - but that doesn’t work in the pop-up.