⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

awesome work on this cards. I love them! :smiley:
Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
One question:

Is it possbile to have shown all of the horizontal buttons in a stack when using the cards on a Tablet in landscape?

atm the 5th card is “cut off”

Hi and thanks! For now this is a fixed size by default and you can scroll inside of it, I will change that by adding the possibility to edit its width. But this is really the most complex card (because of the auto order feature) and I wanted to be sure that everything was working before modifying that behavior.


Perfect! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance! :smiley:

still the same :frowning: im using buble theme

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: pop-up
    hash: '#gang'
    icon: mdi:home
    state: sensor.temperature_humidity_sensor_woonkamer_temperature
    state_unit: °C
    margin_top_mobile: '-25px'
    name: ' gang'
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: separator
  - type: custom:mushroom-media-player-card
    entity: media_player.shield_woonkamer
      - on_off
      - shuffle
      - previous
      - play_pause_stop
      - next
      style: |
        ha-card { 
          background: var(--card-background-color,var(--ha-card-background)) !important; 

Really nice looking card!
A question however out of usability perspective.
I am currently using a main dashboard and then have subviews to “navigate” to.
I would love to replace them for the popups, however i would still like to keep my vertical bubble cards in the subviews so i could have them organized.
Is there a way to call the #“hash” to a subview?
I have tried a few things like “subview name / hash” and setting the hash name with the subview path but not able to get it to work.
So thought i would ask.

Hi! This is not supported, all pop-ups needs to be on the same view, and even if it would work, this way would be much slower and break the real “magic” of the pop-ups. Currently it seems that the best way to have them more organized is to use decluttering-card but I haven’t tested this yet.

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Same Problem. Since the Update the Pop-Up Card is not visible. Only in Edit-Mode…

Hi! Take a look at this and tell me if that help you:

@Cloos I think I found something here.
When removing the hash, the card stop bugging…
But I really dont know why this happens, see:

and when I insert hash again, the header is bugged but the buttons are fine.

Meu Vídeo

@Cloos I recorded an video, there is something very weird in this has that is bugging my cards hahahha

I seriously don’t understand why this is happening, your code seems right. I guess that this is some kind of conflict with something, can you try removing all the cards inside of you pop-up and see if this is still happening? And also can you try to remove your state sensor and state_unit?

I can repeat this issue

If you go to create a card and choose Bubble > Popup and look at the YAML it is missing the

vertical stack code

Step 1:

Step 2: Switch to Code view

Easy fix:


type: custom:bubble-card
card_type: pop-up
hash: '#Kitchen-Popup-Card'


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: pop-up
    hash: '#Kitchen-Popup-Card'

To be clear… I am saying… I had the above issues until I did it in the steps above…

Which is… Create a pop up and fill in the info for one pop up and THEN switch to Code View and add the vertical stack code and switch back and then it Just Works!

**Whilst I have your attention @Cloos **
Awesome job on these cards!

This is intended, the best way to create a pop-up is to create a vertical stack first then to add the pop-up card inside of it (your way to do it works too), but in @alexandrechoske’s code you can see that it is already in a vertical stack and that’s why I’m clueless for now.

take my code and try to insert it into your HA to see what happens…

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: pop-up
    name: Sala
    icon: mdi:television
    entity: group.sala_geral
    state: sensor.temperatura_e_humidade_sala
    state_unit: °C
    width_desktop: 600px
    margin_top_mobile: 18px
    margin_top_desktop: 74px
    is_sidebar_hidden: false
    hash: '#psala'
  - square: false
    type: grid
    columns: 3
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        entity: binary_sensor.sala_porta_contact
        name: Porta
        icon: mdi:door
          style: |
            .switch-button { 
                {% if is_state(config.entity, 'on') %}
                  background-color: #990000 !important
                {% else %}
                  background-color: green !important
                {% endif %}
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: separator
    name: Luzes
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
  - square: false
    type: grid
    columns: 2
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: switch
        entity: light.luz_sala_meio
        name: Meio
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: switch
        entity: light.luz_sala_spots
        icon: mdi:spotlight
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: slider
        entity: light.ambilight_sala
        icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
        name: Ambilight
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: separator
    name: Mídia
    icon: mdi:play
  - square: false
    type: grid
    columns: 2
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: slider
        entity: media_player.2_cast_sala
        icon: mdi:google-chrome
        name: Chromecast

Maybe I discovered.

When I disabled the entity, it fixed…
Maybe an conflict with “group” entities?

But on my tests

and then I re-write the same entity group as before, and worked fine ( in GUI, but if I insert it with editor, it broke again )

this is very interesting hahahha

@Cloos check the video here in my Drive, for you to understand better…

This is what I get… only changes i made were to my entities


veeery weird hahahha
I really dont understand, maybe a cache problem…

I’ve never tried with the group type, I didn’t even knew that it was a thing haha. My light groups are starting with light., I will try that type and see what I can do but I will be really busy for 3 or 4 days.

I would like to do something like this too, but I don’t see that it is possible. Maybe it’s just a bunch of examples together in one image.

Hey All,

I might have missed it but is there a way to always start with the same pop-up card?.
At this point, when i load the app it shows the bottom bar but the page is empty untill i select a card from the bottom.

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