⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

You can play around with these styles:

* {
  font-size: 24px !important;

.bubble-icon {
  color: white !important;

.large .bubble-separator {
  --mdc-icon-size: 36px;
  color: orange !important;

.bubble-line {
  background: var(--primary-text-color);
  opacity: 0.2;

Tested it with various buttons and for me the code

icon: none

just works fine

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Hello, I am doing something similar in my weather card :

type: custom:bubble-card
card_type: button
card_layout: large-2-rows
button_type: state
entity: weather.pontoise
name: 'Météo Pontoise '
show_state: true
show_last_changed: false
  - entity: sensor.cuisine_th_temperature
    icon: mdi:home-thermometer-outline
    show_state: true
    show_background: false
  - entity: sensor.pontoise_temperature
    icon: mdi:thermometer
    show_state: true
    show_background: false
styles: |-
  .bubble-button-card-container {
    border-radius: 10px !important;

  .bubble-icon {
    opacity: 1;
    color: white !important;

  .bubble-icon ha-icon {
    display: none;

  .bubble-icon {
    width: 50px;  /* Ajuste la taille selon tes besoins */
    height: 50px; /* Ajuste la taille selon tes besoins */
    background: ${state === 'rainy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/rainy-5.svg')" : state === 'cloudy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/cloudy.svg')" : state === 'clear' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/day.svg')" : state === 'clear-night' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/night.svg')" : state === 'fog' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/fog.svg')" : state === 'hail' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/rainy-7.svg')" : state === 'lightning' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/thunder.svg')" : state === 'lightning-rainy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/lightning-rainy.svg')" : state === 'partlycloudy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/cloudy-day-3.svg')" : state === 'pouring' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/rainy-6.svg')" : state === 'snowy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/snowy-6.svg')" : state === 'snowy-rainy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/snowy-rainy.svg')" : state === 'sunny' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/day.svg')" : state === 'windy' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/windy.svg')" : state === 'windy-variant' ? "url('/local/community/lovelace-meteofrance-weather-card/icons/windy.svg')" : state === 'exceptionnal' ? "red" : '' } no-repeat center center;
    background-size: contain;

  ${icon.setAttribute("icon", "")}
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: '#meteo'
  action: more-info
  action: more-info
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: '#meteo'
    action: more-info

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Hey, I need some advice. Maybe I’m doing sth. wrong but I have a button (state) like this:


The Yellow part is the state of the entity set for the button itself. I used some templating to get the date (16.08.2024) which is another entity but often it takes quite a while to load the text for the date. My template looks like this:

${card.querySelector(".bubble-state").innerText = state + " • " +
hass.states["sensor.waste_collection_date"].state} !important

Is there any way I can speed this up? The loading time is always different and goes up to several seconds

Thank you!
this worked for the separator text
" * {
font-size: 24px !important;
color: … ; !important;
font-weight: … ; !important;
} "
is there a correct way to center the text in the middle of the card?
I’ve added ‘margin-left: 18px’ to the section above but this only centers visually and if text changes (my text changes based of a state) is left off-center

Is it possible to layer the horizontal buttons? I’d like to have first floor, second floor, then break out the rooms from there.

Is it possible to have conditional entity on the Bubble Card Media Player?
What I am tryin to do is to have one media player card with 3 sub buttons, each sub button is a separate media player. Pressing the button will start playing music on the device. Then I want the media player card to show the controls for that entity. So I need to create conditions under entity. If media_player.1 is playing, entity media.player.1 should be visible.

This is my current code:

type: custom:bubble-card
card_type: media-player
entity: media_player.sovrum
  - entity: media_player.hela_huset
    name: Hela huset
    show_name: false
    icon: mdi:home-outline
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
      action: call-service
        entity_id: input_boolean.spela_musik_i_hela_huset
  - name: Överallt
    show_state: false
    show_name: false
    icon: mdi:home-export-outline
      action: call-service
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.spela_musik_overallt
  - entity: media_player.hela_huset
    name: Sovrum
    icon: mdi:bed-outline
    show_name: false
      action: call-service
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.spela_musik_i_sovrum
show_icon: true
show_name: true
scrolling_effect: true
force_icon: false
show_attribute: false
  grid_columns: 4
  grid_rows: 1
card_layout: normal
name: Välj källa
icon: mdi:music
styles: |-
  .bubble-icon-container {
    background: rgb(235, 64, 52);
  .bubble-media-player-container {
    background-color: #2b374e;
  .bubble-sub-button-1 {
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.hela_huset'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.overallt'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.sovrum'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;

  .bubble-sub-button-2 {
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.hela_huset'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.overallt'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.sovrum'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;

  .bubble-sub-button-3 {
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.hela_huset'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.overallt'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
    display: ${hass.states['media_player.sovrum'].state === 'playing' ? 'none' : ''} !important;
  ha-card {
    margin-left: 15px;
    margin-right: 15px;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-radius: 50px !important;  
  .card-content {
    background: var(--background-color-2,var(--secondary-background-color));
  .card-content::before {
    content: '';
    display: flex;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background-image: url(${hass.states[entity]?.attributes.entity_picture_local});
    background-size: cover;
    background-position: 50%;
    filter: blur(20px);
    top: 0;
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0.5;
  action: none
  action: none
  action: none

Tried the following without success:

entity: |
  {% if states('media_player.hela_huset') == 'playing' %}
  {% elif states('media_player.overallt') == 'playing' %}
  {% elif states('media_player.sovrum') == 'playing' %}
  {% endif %}

did you find a solution for the alignment?

I did the following and at least for me it looks nicer. I used the following code for the sub buttons on the right side:

.bubble-sub-button-3 {
  justify-self: right;

Bubble Card 2


Hi everyone!

I’ve worked on the pop-ups again! My goal for this release was to make them fully reliable, and to achieve that, I’ve fixed most of the new and old issues related to them. I’ve also refactored a lot of the code and have intensively tested them to ensure rock-solid stability. This one should be the one! I know, I’ve said that too many times… :crossed_fingers:

I’ve also worked on some other issues. Here is the full changelog:

:heavy_check_mark: Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Pop-up stability:
    • The pop-ups and the backdrop should be now fully reliable, and probably even faster too. #703
    • An opened pop-up with a trigger entity now persist after a refresh of the dashboard. #270
    • It was impossible to open a pop-up with a trigger entity by using the notify action, this is now fixed! #270 #422
    • Fixed for good an issue when multiple pop-ups have an auto-close value. #685
  • Google Nest Hub support?: New attempt to fix the Custom element doesn't exist error on Google Nest Hub. #345 and maybe #257
  • Climate slider fix: The slider button now supports climate entity temperature step. #715

I can’t wait for your feedback!

And if you are interested I’ve opened a Subreddit for Bubble Card where I post my progress on the project. Here it is:

Reddit Page



Bubble card does not support jinja templates, and I think conditionally templating a card entity is not a feature as of right now.

What’s a good way to achieve what I am doing? Universal media player does not seem to work.

You could make 3 different media players and use conditional card to showe the one you want to be shown, and still have those 3 buttons on each media player?
Not a sexy fix, but guess it would work.

I did that for my media side, to just show the one that last started playing

Need help styling the bubble media-player card background color if its playing

  • type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: media-player
    name: Ceiling Speakers
    entity: media_player.sonos_office
    show_state: true
    show_last_updated: true
    show_attribute: false
    attribute: volume_level
    card_layout: large
    scrolling_effect: true
    show_icon: true
    force_icon: false
    show_name: true
    show_last_changed: false
    columns: 2
    rows: 1
    action: toggle
    play_pause_button: false
    volume_button: false
    previous_button: false
    next_button: false
    power_button: true
    styles: |-
    .bubble-media-player {
    background-color: ${state === ‘playing’ ? ‘var(–accent-color)’:‘’} !important;


What’s the issue here? Everything looks to be working fine

I’m trying to create a button bubble card consisting of only sub buttons so i can see what’s on (and toggle) with a quick glance. How can I center these buttons within the card? I can add padding to the right but it doesn’t appear the same on all devices. Thanks!

Hi! Take a look at the Styling section in the documentation, I’ve added this example.

Hello, does anyone know how to just get the hour and minutes from below timestamp?

${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = 
hass.states["sensor.tv_padel_endtime"].state }

I know some formatting needs to happen after the .state but I have no clue.

After some “research” I’ve found a tip in a closed issue suggesting to disable the Optional - Show entity state option and enabling the Optional - Show attribute option but without setting any attribute.

This makes the generation of the button text instant so the Optional - Show entity state somehow slows things down pretty bad. At least that’s what it seems like

This is indeed the way, this is explained in the text templating example in the documentation.

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