Bubendorff iDiamant / Legrand / Netatmo

How do I migrate the shutters from Homekit to Netatmo? I tried disabling the Homekit integration and restarting the Netatmo integration, but it doesn’t find any new devices - do I need to delete and re-setup the entire Netatmo integration?

Restarting HA or the integration should bring in devices registered with that account. Re-setup should not be necessary. Please check the logs if some errors occur that prevent this.

The only thing I see in the system log that could potentially be it is

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform
Source: helpers/entity_platform.py:567
First occurred: 27. Oktober 2022 um 15:12:20 (26 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:28:22

Ignoring invalid device configuration_url ''

edit: yes, that’s the one that comes up when I restart the integration.

I’d need more details than this to find the issue. Please share debug logs and diagnostics.

I hope this is what you need.
Debug log of the full start: Dropbox - debuglog.txt - Simplify your life
Diagnostics of the Netatmo component: Dropbox - config_entry-netatmo-934138b071f08eec0e33c8a029f1b89d.json.txt - Simplify your life

I have the shutters configured in the HomeKit integration, where they work just fine. They’re connected using iDiamant.

I’ve added the diagnostics for that as well: Dropbox - config_entry-homekit_controller-1e2844d06cf89e24e16a432ce234942a.json.txt - Simplify your life

As far as I can tell the integration is working fine. To me it looks like the devices you are missing are not registered to that same Netatmo account.

You’re right, they’re not showing up in the Netatmo account - but then where are they registered? They show up in the Control+ app and, like I said, work fine via HomeKit. Weird.

Is that the same account for both apps?

It certainly looks like it, but home.netatmo.com doesn’t show me the shutters, and the Control+ app doesn’t show me the weather station. The Control+ app shows all the third-party applications I’ve authorized for home.netatmo.com long before getting the shutters, so I have to assume it’s the same account.

Well, all I can tell from the diagnostics data, HA only knows about your weather station. Please double check the accounts.

Ok, thank you. I’ve no idea how to connect these accounts, I logged into Control+ with my Netatmo account and see the shutters.
It looks like Control+ doesn’t let me add a weather station, and the Netatmo website doesn’t let me add shutters. I have no idea what’s going on.

If those use different logins, try sharing the devices between the accounts.

No, it’s all the same login, and inviting myself from either app also does nothing. I am truly baffled. Going to have to return my geek badge, I’m afraid - thanks for all your help, in any case.

Have you tried creating a new Netatmo account and invite that to the (obviously for some reason different) accounts/homes?

I’ve made a new Netatmo account and invited it from the other Netatmo account. When I went to the Legrand account, the user was already invited! It clearly knows they’re the same account, it’s maddening.

Hello @cgtobi,

I have used your implementation of Netatmo integration successfully but I’m only missing the possibility to use the tilt or preferred position which I can select with my remote control. This can be activated by sending a value of -2 as position but this is not accepted by HA, now I’m using node-red to get it done but it would be great if it can also be integrated in Netatmo integration.

I reinstalled HA yesterday and it found the shutters now - so deleting and re-adding the integration might’ve been the way to go. I noticed you can pick between Netatmo, Legrand and a few other providers, and choosing Legrand worked immediately, adding both the weather station and the shutters, and now they work perfectly.

No response expected or required - just as a data point for others who might find this thread and wonder.


I’m new to Home Assistant (HA) and have Bubendorff shutters with the tilt position option. The Netatmo integration works fine, but I also noticed the tilt preferred position feature is missing. @cgtobi, is there any chance this option could be added in the near future?

I’ve tried to implement a workaround, but I haven’t been successful so far. I also explored using the Node-RED add-on in HA, but I’m not sure how to proceed. Is there a detailed, step-by-step guide available for achieving this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Rico,

There is not a step by step guide but you need to use the “node-red-contrib-oauth2” pallete inside node red and create a developer account on netatmo.com. With the devoloper account your able to create an application where for you will receive a client ID and client secret ID, after that you need to create a token with the read and write request for bubendorff blinds. Then a token an refresh token is generate which you need to use together with the client and secret client ID in node red to send a commant to the Netatmo server. To be able to control the blinds you need to know you home ID and the module ID’s of the blinds you need to control. To get those there is a manual on the netatmo website how to use the control with a ability to test the commands and also request the status of your home where you will receive the needed home ID and module ID’s.

Thank you for your response.
In August, I found a Node-RED flow that I could use to control my roller shutters, indeed using a developer account and creating an application. That flow worked for two months, but then it suddenly stopped working. When I started looking for solutions again, I came across your answer to my question and modified the flow by including a node-red-contrib-oauth2 node. After a lot of trial and error, I finally got it working again.