Buderus Web-Gateway KM200 Support

Hey there, I´m planning my migration from FHEM towards Home Assistant. Most protocols, that I use are already supported. What I wasn´t able to find, was support for the Buderus Web-Gateway.

The Buderus Web-Gateway is a gateway component for Buderus heating products.
There are five different controllers KM50, KM100, KM150, KM200 and KM300 all use the same app
Buderus EasyControl. The FHEM developers have created two different modules in order to integrate Buderus heating products with FHEM. It is possible to read and set parameters for the heating products.

Docs are here:

Maybe a “Home Assistant developer” also uses Buderus products and is willing to integrate them with Home Assistant?

Big thanks and regards,


Sorry for poor formatting. Haven´t been allowed to add more than two links :frowning:

Should be better now.

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This would be an awesome feature.

Buderus Logamatic Web KM200 V2 Support would be great.

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I have created a custom component to communicate with my Nefit Enviline Tower heatpump. This heatpump contains an IP module that uses the Nefit ProControl app. (Looks very similar to the Buderus EasyControl app)

Therefore I have tried to use some code written for the Buderus KM200 (found at https://github.com/rthill/buderus) and it works like a charm!

You can find the component and (minimal) instructions at https://github.com/stefanlaheij/ha-buderus
Keep in mind that this code is not finished and not tested!

Maybe a real developer can use this as a starting point? :blush:

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Thank you very much,
It is working for outside_temperature, hotwater_current_temperature, hotwater_current_setpoint

For hotwater_current_waterflow and hotwater_current_workingtime the KM200 interface are giving me 404 http errors.


Nice to see it is working for you in some way.
I also have a lot of endpoints that give 404 errors. I think it depends on the type of system you have which endpoints give data.

Unfortunately the component is not working for me. Think, its because of a unmet dependency. What pip modules do I need? Tried installing the following imported modules via pip3 - but had not much luck at all :blush:
import logging
import base64
import json
import binascii
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import voluptuous as vol

Logging trows [custom_components.buderus] Buderus error happened at <urlopen error [Errno 60] Operation timed out>

Hello Jakob,

You need to install the crypto dependency.

Switch to virtual environment and install pycrypto

$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
$ pip3 install pycrypto

Then it works for me.

Out of the list of sensors I have a few working
- outside_temperature → Working
- supply_temperature → Working
- return_temperature → Working
- room_temperature
- hotwater_temperature → Working
- heating_current_roomsetpoint
- heating_manual_roomsetpoint
- heating_temp_roomsetpoint
- hotwater_current_temperature
- hotwater_current_setpoint
- hotwater_current_workingtime
- hotwater_current_waterflow
- heatsource_modulation
- heating_templevel_eco
- heating_templevel_comfort
- heating_activeprogram
- heating_operation_mode
- boiler_flame → Working
- boiler_starts
- pump_modulation → Working
- system_pressure → Working

The other sensors are not working - I get a HTTP Error 404: Not Found

EDIT: after deconnecting and reconnecting the heater most sensors are working.
only boiler_starts, heating_templevel_eco and heating_templevel_comfort are providing the 404 error.

Thanks. Checked and works now :slight_smile:

Is there any progress on integrating this in Hassio, or at least making it available as a plugin ?

Nothing, that I know of. For me the custom component stopped working with 0.68.

Maybe some developers own buderus units and are willing, to refactor and add the component?

These are the all features (below), what we can read from KM200 compatible devices. (I have a Bosch 3000W…)
Where are the others? Ie.: we can read the quality of recevied gas, the pressure of gas from the provider, etc. Where and how can I find these additional results?


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I checked in the uncompiled apk source code, and there is a mDNS service, that could be also a good point to have it discoverable in hassio.

I don’t have big python knowledge neither home-assistant code, but I will try to write something for this !

Here it is my fully debbuged Part I with all features…











































































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Here it is my fully debbuged Part IIA with all features…





























































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Here it is my fully debbuged Part IIB with all features…





















































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Fully debugged Part III












































{"id":"/heatSources/energyMonitoring/correctionFactor","type":"floatValue","writeable":1,"recordable":0,"value":1.0,"unitOfMeasure":" ","minValue":0.7,"maxValue":1.3}




































{"id":"/heatSources/hs1/fuelConsmptCorrFactor","type":"floatValue","writeable":1,"recordable":0,"value":1.00,"unitOfMeasure":" "}














{"id":"/heatSources/numberOfStarts","type":"floatValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":14543,"unitOfMeasure":" "}

































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{"id":"/system/appliance/ChimneySweeper","type":"floatValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":0.0,"unitOfMeasure":" "}










{"id":"/system/appliance/numberOfStarts","type":"floatValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":14544,"unitOfMeasure":" "}














{"id":"/system/brand","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":"unknown","allowedValues":["unknown","Bosch","Junkers","Buderus","Nefit","Sieger","Tata","Dakon","Elm","Boulter","Vulcano","Worcester","British Gas","IVT","Geminox","Neckar","Zeus","Milton"]}




















{"id":"/system/heatSources/hs1/fuelConsmptCorrFactor","type":"floatValue","writeable":1,"recordable":0,"value":1.00,"unitOfMeasure":" "}








































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