BUG: darksky customization of sensor with icon no longer possible

Version 0.39 contained the following update:

Sensor - Darksky: Add ‘entity_picture’ to Darksky component (@aronsky)

Since this update, the customization for the dark_sky_summary sensor doesn’t work anymore.

  friendly_name: "Current weather"
  icon: mdi:weather-partlycloudy

Would be great if that could be updated.

Thanks, Jurgen

UPDATE: uploaded bug report in issue tracker on github

Can you link to the issue so myself and others can track? Thanks for noting this!

What do you mean? Just link like this?

For now, I did a simple work around by creating a template sensor myself that takes over the value of the dark_sky sensor, with an icon out of the mdi database.

Might even consider using icon_template.

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