(BUG) Energy bar graph displaying at incorrect hour

So to me, this seems to be a bug in how this graph is calculated/drawn as the splits seem to be incorrect to me.

My timezone is at a half-hour break (+0930 UTC), and the graph looks to be calculated on the hour, not when the local system’s time is, making the chart look incorrect.

Tarif times:

  • OffPeak: 0100-0600
  • Peak: 0600-1000
  • Shoulder: 1000-1500
  • Peak: 1500-0100

So if you ask me the very first bar should only be light blue and not have the top half as that is the 1 AM time, which should be the next bar. As all the time splits are on the hour, and not on the half hour, all the bars should be one colour each.

Should this be submitted as a bug? Besides this is seems to be working mostly alright.

Is the time correct if you put the following in the Templates tab of Dev Tools?

{{ now() }}

And what makes you say it’s the graph rather than the tariff calculation? Can you show detail about what’s in the graph and where it comes from?

The time is correct :

Also if I hover over the graph you can see it shows half hour increments

Correct. The statistics are updated at 12 minutes past each hour.

If you need something different you will have to create your own energy dashboard.

But they are not created until the 30 min of the hour every time

In which case you

There are many third party cards to help you do this.

You can also open a feature request here for a configurable update interval:

I think nat is South Australia going by the tariffs (as am I). I’ve noticed the same behaviour (clock is correct).
The dashboard will calculate from half hour past midnight (e.g., 00:30-01:30) instead of the expected midnight onwards (00:00-01:00).
For people in full hour time zones (e.g., GMT+10:00) the calculations correctly start from midnight.

I don’t think it’s technically a ‘bug’ but it doesn’t seem to allow for the time zones that are half hour out.

Suggest a feature, get fellow users to vote on it and see it happen.

It’s not a feature I am asking for, it’s an issue with the way it draws the graph

half hour past midnight (e.g., 00:30-01:30)
For people in full hour time zones (e.g., GMT+10:00) the calculations correctly start from midnight.

That’s exactly what I’m saying

but it doesn’t seem to allow for the time zones that are half hour out.

Doesn’t that make it a bug?

It’s not an issue if it was designed that way.

No. It was only designed to meet a certain set of criteria. You happen to fall outside that criteria.

A temporary employee of Nabu Casa designed the energy dashboard to fit as many situations as their time allowed. This necessitated some simplification. It is not meant to meet everyone’s needs.

Having said that changes have been implemented by popular demand since then (water tracking for example).

So opening a feature request is not pointless.

Doesn’t that make it a bug?

Not really, more a missing feature as the actual dashboard works to design.

It would be nice to have but Home Assistant probably isn’t what you want to be using for energy tracking for more reasons other than the half hour out.
It’s great for automations triggered by energy, the tracking is really just a bonus.

For my own use, I use HA to send my energy data to PVOutput which gives a good view.

iammeter have some good tutorials with copy/paste templates if you want to build your own:
Monitor your solar PV system in Home Assistant - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Others have set up their own using HA → InfluxDb → Grafana or similar


I had my own energy dashboard set up from before the core dashboard was released. I use both in Home Assistant (short term) and Grafana (long term).

I set up the core dashboard too but don’t really use it. Though it has evolved over time and I have imported some of the core energy cards to my dashboard.

To give you an idea of what is possible (well beyond the core energy dashboard):




(looks a little boring as my monthly bill reset yesterday)

Long Term Solar (one year shown, two years available)

Long Term Power (one year shown, two years available)

Long Term Energy (one year shown, two years available)