Bug in state evaluation

I’m attempting to ‘wait for trigger’ based on my phone being connected to my home WiFi.
Hence I use a state trigger on the wifi SSID.

However when I provide multiple “to” states (I have 2 wireless networks possible), the yaml converts it into a single line entry.
The evaluation of the trigger state seem to therefore fail during an automation and it waits forever.

I type in yaml the following:

  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.phone_wifi_connection
          - "Titi"
          - "Titi-2.4"

which HA seem to convert automatically to:

  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.phone_wifi_connection
        to: 'Titi,Titi-2.4'

I have plenty of occurences of automation that are waiting forever.
Sometime, very randomly, it works…
Using the automation traces, I’m unable to figure out the exacts cause as it is too random.

Seems to be another example of this issue:

Indeed looks like the same.
But I’m surprised that it has been reported in 2020 and that there is still no fix for it… :face_with_monocle: