[BUG] Invalid config for [fibaro]: [url] is an invalid option for [fibaro]. Check: fibaro->fibaro->url

When upgrading from 0.85.1 to 0.86.2 My config is warning:
Invalid config for [fibaro]: [url] is an invalid option for [fibaro]. Check: fibaro->fibaro->url

Is there a way to get my config back?

Found it. Because of the new support of multiple Fibaro gateways, the config needs an extra option, ‘gateways:

so if your old config was:

url: http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_GATEWAY/api
username: USERNAME
password: PASSWORD

has to be changed to:

  - url: http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_GATEWAY/api
    username: USERNAME
    password: PASSWORD

Source: Support for multiple Fibaro gateways by pbalogh77 · Pull Request #19705 · home-assistant/core · GitHub