Bug: Lovelace card editor saves custom value, but loses value upon 'edit'

I’m using an entity-button to represent a group for a relay setup I’ve got representing speakers in a home-wide setup. If I toggle the button as default it toggles all the switches by sending one command for each “switch”. However, my MQTT client includes logic to allow a “ON-ALL” and an “OFF-ALL” that handles all of them at once so I updated the card using it’s handy-dandy features to instead use a call-service action utilizing mqtt.publish. It works great! … Except… The problem is, the moment I re-enter the editor it clears the entire configuration.

icon: 'mdi:surround-sound'
name: Whole House
  action: none
entity: group.speakers
type: entity-button
  action: call-service
  service: mqtt.publish
    topic: "home/speakers"
    payload_template: >
      {% if is_state('group.speakers', 'on') %}
        { "cmd": "OFF-ALL" }
      {% else %}
        { "cmd": "ON-ALL" }
      {% endif %}

When I click “save” and then try it, it works. If I click “Edit” about half my configuration is gone. I checked to see if it was some issue with the > angle bracket and switched to a | pipe and got the same behavior. I checked to see if it was an issue with the multi-line and switched to a single-line command and got the same behavior. I checked to see if it was an issue with my payload_template content and switched to a simple payload, same behavior.

If I put in a correct configuration the button works as I want it to, but the moment I go to edit it, I’m stuck with the following:

icon: 'mdi:surround-sound'
name: Whole House
  action: none
entity: group.speakers
type: entity-button
  action: call-service
  service: ''

Is there an workaround where I won’t lose configuration?

Also, if there’s an issue-tracker that would be better to post this in let me know. The only issue-tracker I found seemed like they were more soliciting feature requests than bugs.

EDIT: I found the appropriate repo and an already-reported issue. For anybody else having this issue it can be found at: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/2645

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Same issue here with 0.90.2