[BUG] Scene problem with WLED / Room problem with Alexa?

I’ve been narrowing down the problem for a few weeks and understand it to be the following:

The problem: Not all WLED Segments are turning on when activated as part of a group.

From what I understand, the three elements are: HA, ALEXA and WLED
I can say “Alexa turn on the bookcase” and all 7 shelves (saved as segments under a preset) light up. I can also use Alexa to turn the bookcase off and on again and everything is fine.

HOWEVER. If I add the Bookcase, Light 1, Light 2 etc to a ROOM in the Alexa app and say “Alexa, lights on” only the first 3 shelves (segments) of the bookcase light up. (We are now done because if I turn then say “Alexa bookcase on” again I only ever get the first 3 shelves lighting up again - It’s as though when the bookcase is turned on as part of a group it overwrites / clears all segments above 3.

I’m not able to pin it down exactly yet, though my suspicians are with the Alexa integration / app. I have alerted @aircookie to this problem, and now NabuCasa in the hope we can narrow down this oversight.

TBH I don’t see how this is the fault of HA but just thought I’d alert the programmers because I’m not the only one noticing this issue.

Many thanks and keep up the amazing work guys.

PS. However I’m not excusing the fact that I can be a ‘numpty’ and it’s just be me just being stupid…


NB. Just Updated to 2024.1.3 and the bookcase is working fine. (Still don’t know if it was WLED or HA)