[BUG] Switch component error

There is a bug in some part of the translation of the “Switch” component into the Brazilian Portuguese language.

When I remove all others language and select the Brazilian Portuguese language in the Google Chrome browser. and change the position of the switch manually via browser, an error message appears in the lower left corner of the browser:

“Falha ao chamar o serviço switch/turn_on.”


“Failed to call service switch/turn_on.”
“Failed to call service switch/turn_off.”


When I remove all the other languages and select the English language in the Google Chrome browser and change the position of the switch manually via browser, a message of success appears.

PS: When I change the state of the switch via Esp8266, the message in the browser does not appear in any of the languages.

Interface portuguese-Brazil

Interface english-US


File Configuration.yaml


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “MAKER SWITCH”
    state_topic: “relay/one”
    command_topic: “relay/one/set”
    payload_on: “ON”
    payload_off: “OFF”
    state_on: “ON”
    state_off: “OFF”
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: true

Studying the error, apparently is a mistranslation of the user interface polymer.
Can someone tell me the directory where the Polymer UI files are located in a hassio installed on raspberry pi2.
thank you