I’m missing the maximum temperature of today in the buienradar sensor. The monitored conditions: ‘temperature’ gives the current temperature and the ‘temperature_1d’ gives the temperature of tomorrow. In the morning I want to monitor the predicted maximum temperature of today (e.g. temperature_0d). Any suggestions?
De verwachte maximumtemperatuur van deze dag. Dit betreft de hoogst verwachte temperatuur in de 24uur binnen deze dag. In veel gevallen zal deze temperatuur in de middag plaatsvinden maar dit is dus niet altijd zo
The availability of data depends on what the source api gives us to begin with.
I have created my own max temperature sensor within HA to use for some automations at the end of the day (like watering the plants and such). Perhaps this could be helpful to you. Remember that this setup only tells you the max temperature that we actually gathered during the last 24 hours. So only in the past, and doesn’t tell you what the expected max temperature of the day will be.
For an irrigation system I would like to water the plants in the morning. Fungi are less likely to grow if I water in the morning, in comparison to the evening. Based on this thinking, I would like to know the maximum forecasted temperature of the current day. The information is available on the buienradar website:
yesterday i made an automation for the living room thermostat. when the maximum outside temperature exceeds 18C the thermostat doesn’t rise the temperature that day. how i accomplished that, at 23:30 i save the temperature_1d into a global (Node red). and the next day i can use the saved temperature for my automation.
I ended up doing a similar thing. Made a helper and just save the tomorrow’s max at 23:50 as the max for the day. Although i will probably make an automation to update it if it exceeds the expected max. Got an automation running at the moment that tells me weather and it sounds dumb when the max is 12 and the current temp is 14.
If you live in the Netherlands, then get an API key from weerlive.nl, and define the following sensor:
- platform: rest
resource: http://weerlive.nl/api/json-data-10min.php?key=YOURAPIKEY&locatie=Enschede
name: "maximum temperatuur vandaag"
value_template: "{{ value_json.liveweer[0].d0tmax }}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
scan_interval: "01:00" # every hour, to make sure that the number of requests stays well below maximum 300 per day
Updated: limited the scan_interval, because otherwise it causes several thousands requests per day to the liveweer website, but that website does not allow more than 300 requests per day. Works perfectly!
Has there been any update? I want to create an automation based on the max temperature for today as well
@robert2s I’ve tried your code with my own API key and location (which is listed on the site) but the sensor keeps being unavailable. I’ve tested the resource link and that works, and I didn’t change anything else in your code. Has there been an update in the past year, that you know of?
- platform: rest
resource: https://weerlive.nl/api/weerlive_api_v2.php?key=YOURAPIKEY&locatie=LOCATION
name: "maximum temperatuur vandaag"
value_template: "{{ value_json.wk_verw[0].max_temp }}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
scan_interval: 3600 # every hour, to make sure that the number of requests stays well below maximum 300 per day