I am using the (Dutch) Buienradar integration for a long time. About a week ago I discovered that the integration does not refresh anymore. So I removed the integration and did install it again. I do get weather data at first, but that data does not refresh.
I am running HA on a NIC. Core: 2021-11-5. Supervisor 2021-10-8. Host: OS 6.6.
You are not alone.
same for me
Same here! After a restarting gets data, and then it stops refreshing. Reloading the integration doesn’t help.
Same here. After reloading the integration the data (I only use temperature and ground_temperature) usually comes in again, for 5-20 hours and then stops again.
I opened an issue on Github. Hopefully the experts can help us. See: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub
When you have more information please add this to the issue.
On Github there were already two similar items. So I closed mine now.