Buienradar sensor gives errors in 0.102.1

Since I upgraded to version 0.102.1 I constantly get this error:

Unable to parse data from Buienradar.(Msg: Location data is invalid.)

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Same overhere since the update.

Now I’m in doubt if the reason for this error is the update to 0.102.1. My nearest weather station is “Voorschoten”. On https://www.buienradar.nl/nederland/weerbericht/weerstations the “Voorschoten” location doesn’t contain data.

Will change my location to a working location later this evening to test.

Interesting - my nearest location is also Voorschoten… could be coincidence but you never know

It’s a coincidence. Just changed my location to “Volkel” and the buienradar works without any error.

So the error isn’t the upgrade to 0.102.1, it’s something with our weather station :slight_smile:

Yep, same here. ‘Voorschoten’ is down.

I’ve tried to use another weather station like “Rotterdam”, “Volkel”, etc. But I don’t receive any data on those either. Do you guys also experience this? When I check the Buienradar XML I can clearly see that “Voorschoten” is down. But all the others are up and running. I can’t get them to show up in HA.

Try tracking it down in the States view. I changed from Voorschoten to Rotterdam weerstation and restarting Home Assistant all my BR sensors got renamed with numbers at the end. You’ll have to modify the groups / cards with the updated names of sensors to get all your display / automations to work again.

Voorschoten seems to be working again over here. :grinning: