Buienradar with residence marker

I added an overlay to mark your own residence to the Dutch Buienradar animation.
Now you can see much better if the rain will be near by.


You need to change the top and left values to move the marker to the right location.
With the scale property you can resize the marker.

This is the corresponding YAML code.

type: picture-elements
camera_image: camera.buienradar
camera_view: live
aspect_ratio: '1:0.75'
  - type: image
    image: https://vdbrink.github.io/homeassistant/images_weather/marker_home.svg
      top: 60%
      left: 50%
      scale: 60%

Check by blog post for more details:

NOTE: It’s not possible to automatically define the right location based on the defined longitude and latitude values from the Buienradar integration. This solution is just and extra overlay without knowledge of the integration itself.

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nice, thanks for the writeup

I took your Pollen cards and adapted a bit, was looking for that for some time. nice to have the true Dutch source too, next to what I have via the integration Tomorrow.io. Maybe you like that too, this is what they provide:

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