Built-in intents only with english output. How to set to another language(german)?


Does anyone know how I can make it possible that the built-in intents will output german language? I have this running with rhasspy. Now when I turn on a light, it will respond in english instead of german. My HA is set to german.

a) “Schalte das Licht im Wohnzimmer ein” Answer: “Turne Licht Wohnzimmer on”

I did also some research already. The german language are already there:


    "device_automation": {
        "action_type": {
            "brightness_decrease": "Helligkeit von {entity_name} verringern",
            "brightness_increase": "Helligkeit von {entity_name} erh\u00f6hen",
            "flash": "Flash {entity_name}",
            "toggle": "Schalte {entity_name} um.",
            "turn_off": "Schalte {entity_name} aus.",
            "turn_on": "Schalte {entity_name} ein."



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i have the same question

any news on this?