Built in Norwegian Meteorological Weather Inaccurate, How To Fix?

From the first time I installed HA, I found that the built in weather integration that got installed with the system was fairly inaccurate, so I installed both Dark Sky (still have an API key until the end of 2021) and Accuweather. I know folks say that the Met weather is fairly spot on for them and I would like to use it since Accuweather hits its API limit constantly and Dark Sky is going away.

The problem is that I cannot seem to get the Met weather to report accurately and I’m not sure what, if anything, I can do about it. The Accuweather, to my knowledge, uses the exact same HA information to determine location and, thus, weather and forecasts as Met does - implying the problem isn’t my setup.

I know that my location data in HA is correct (lat/long) so is there a way to verify if perhaps Met is using a different location for my weather?

If you look at this screen shot you’ll see the top card is Met and is inaccurate, while the bottom is Accuweather and is pretty much right on. Today they are close but usually they are extremely far off from one another, so it’s just coincidental that whatever area Met is reading just happens to be a bit close right now, but the forecasts are quite different.

Similar issue for me. Right now yr met service shows temp as 4.6 C (steady for 1 hour), Accuweather shows 1 C for the same location, and my outdoor digital thermometer actually shows -1.2 C. That’s too far off to be anything but a systemic error of some sort.