Bulb IHD6 integration


Has anybody managed to integrate bulb IHD smart meter with home assistant? I was expecting it to be automatically discovered but it didnt come out


There’s no Home Assistant component that will automatically discover your IHD device.

The Bulb IHD has support for SmartThings. To load this data in to Home Assistant via SmartThings:

  1. Connect your IHD to your home WiFi network using Bulb’s instructions
  2. Download the SmartThings app and create an account
  3. Follow Bulb’s instructions to connect your IHD6 to SmartThings
  4. Install the Home Assistant SmartThings integration

This will create a sensor entity in Home Assistant containing the data provided by SmartThings. In my case it’s just one electricity sensor:


More useful data is available in the SmartThings app than the Home Assistant sensor. You can vote on this feature request for that.


May I ask how does this work in terms of data flow?
Bulb IHD to Smartthings cloud server then pushed to HA?
Or Smart meter to Bulb cloud server, then to Smartthings server and then pushed to HA?

I just had Smart meter installed by Bulb and have successfully gotten it set up with SmartThings, to my surprise as I don’t own a SmartThings hub. Hence this must be happening via Smartthings cloud server, but I don’t quite understand how does it integrate with the IHD.

Of course, here’s the inevitable question, what happens when SmartThings decide to shutdown their server?
Considering the recent news, would this data flow still work if Bulb servers are shut down?