Bulk update devices feature (ESPHome) in HA settings


ESPHome is integrated and the implemented devices, al thirty five, and a Node-Red update show up when there are updates. In the Home Assistant Settings dashboard. When Show in sidebar is activated. In the ESPHome add-on info page. Nice.

But now you have to update them individually, one by one. This is tedious and time consuming.
It would be nice if there where check/uncheck boxes or an update all feature.
Likewise in the ESPHome add-on itself there is an update all possibility.

Maybe this feature request was already mentioned. But could’t not find any reference.

I have an update all button/text in my upper right corner of ESPHome.

Me to. But not in Home Assistant Settings as explained. There is no update all button/text. There you have to install them one by one…

same issue. I’ve got around sixty devices. It would be nice to have a selection box next to each in the list and then an update selected option. I to am talking about within HA itself, not the ESPHome interface. (Where you do not have an update selected option either)

Otherwise, it would be nice to expose this to Home Assistant where I could create an automation that I could trigger to do it. Perhaps that can already be done, but I’ve not found the hooks to do it.

While ESPHome has a link to “Update All”, it doesn’t distinguish between those devices that are already up-to-date and those on an older version. When I update all, it never finishes as it just stops or gives me an out of memory error. At that point I have to update each device manually which is a pain. I am at 45 devices and it usually stops working after about 30. It would be great to have greater flexibility such as check boxes to pick what needs to be updated, and to have an option to just update the devices reporting they are on an old version. An exclude option in case you don’t want to ever update a particular device would be great too.

Yes, upgrade in the background would be even nicer! (Normaly the “update all” is not finishing…)