(Blue Moon23)
April 10, 2023, 11:20am
I had a button card that showed the state of my PowerWall Charge with show_state: true. however, since upgrading to 2023.4, when I select show_state: true, the card disappears. When I select false, the card is in place, but doesn’t show the state. I have looked at breaking changes and it doesn’t appear to be something new, and my other button cards seem to be working, although they donlt have numeric value.
show_name: true
show_icon: false
type: button
action: none
entity: sensor.powerwall_charge
show_state: false
name: Powerwall
Any ideas?
(Dave Forrester)
April 13, 2023, 8:36am
Same issue here with button card
being blank with show_state: true
However, I have a number of cards showing the state of entities relating to some thermometers.
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: button
entity: sensor.living_room_thermometer_battery
show_state: true
name: Battery
- type: button
entity: sensor.living_room_thermometer_signal_strength
show_state: true
name: BT Strength
So it doesn’t seem to affect all sensors.
April 13, 2023, 9:27am
Same here, all my simple buttons are blank after last update !
Same here! All my simple buttons are gone after the last update.
In the “Edit” mode I cannot see the preview.
(Dave Forrester)
April 13, 2023, 12:00pm
Okay, apparently it’s a known issue and will be fixed soon.
As a workaround, go to your user profile and turn one of the following options to anything other than auto:
Number Format
, Time Format
or First day of the week
I’ve done that and it works. Don’t ask me how or why, but it works.
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April 13, 2023, 12:17pm
Works ! Thanks, weird bug
I updated from 2023.4.3 to 2023.4.6 and this solved it for me!
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