I’ve had a look at the code you had in the other thread, either something is missing or …?
The declutter template for ‘set_hue_scene’ - could you please share this?
Also, you have a call for script ‘script.tiles_set_hue_scene’ but this should be for script ‘set_hue_scene’ ?
sorry, but it is a separate file, so the name isn’t in the code.
Ive edited the original post to include it now, and added the tiles_set_hue script (which of course is a legacy name, since I don’t use Tiles anymore).
its one click in my setup (tap) as the decluttering card uses the tap_action: call-service (and overrides the button_template (which I also use for other cases…)
not sure about the picture, it has been some time since I set those up… maybe a folder incorrectly pointed to?
I’m using your code, and have put the images in /local/hue_scenes/
its one click in my setup (tap) as the decluttering card uses the tap_action: call-service (and overrides the button_template (which I also use for other cases…)
Which of the three scripts you sent me are you calling to get it in one tap on the scene (not using the execute-button) ?
in my original decluttering template I use the script.tiles_set_hue_scene and it is posted on the original thread. You have now renamed that I think, but that is of no consequence of course, as long as you rename the backend accordingly.
btw I noticed you added the button card template button_picture_script_small: to the decluttering templates. I wouldn’t know if that causes issues, but it should be a button_card_template.
it could well be that because you reference these incorrectly, it doesn’t use the show_entity_picture: true of that button_card_template.