Button press 2x in 10 seconds automation

I noticed that with Z-Wave Devices they do not register a real button press, so i can not use it as a trigger.
Now i was thinking, when i press the device button, it puts the node from “asleep” to “awake”.
So i could use the status change as a trigger, but the problem is that the devices wakes itself every xx hours and triggers itself.

I think the only option is to make an automation that triggers when i press the button 2 times within 10 seconds, so the status changes from asleep to wake 2 times in 10 seconds.
But i have no idea how to make this in an automation…

Can someone maybe help me getting started :slight_smile:

I just made an example of how to use an automation to detect double clicks on buttons last week, might be applicable to you.

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Thanks! Will take a look at it.

I was thinking about making an counter that when the node changes from asleep to awake it counts +1 and than an automation that resets the counter after 10 seconds. so you have to press 2 times in 10 seconds to get to “2” and of it reaches “2” than it make an other automation that triggers the device i want to controll.

But if it can be done easier than always better :stuck_out_tongue: