I avoided scripts/automations as I didn’t believe that the Pop Up custom integration would work, and I was right.
Ran a script as you suggested, but the card for the alarm panel does not pop up on my screen, therefore this solution doesn’t work. (But the switch did work).
Wondering if there are any alternatives? Is there a way to get the button to call more than one service inside lovelace?
I have been looking at a similar challenge. I want to use “input_” values to maintain sort of a “state machine” to allow me to create an TV remote that shows and hides different elements based what source has been selected. I initially thought I would need a script for each button on the remote and with three different TVs that I want to control you can see the script count would get real large real fast.
I have bumbled my way into a little better solution using script variables. This allows me to have less scripts and then set the variables in the service call from the UI. I essentially can have a single script work across all 3 TV remotes and multiple buttons per remote. A little tedious to setup initially but as long as I maintain a consistent “naming convention” for entities it results in a much more manageable solution. Below is an example script for toggling the power state of a TV (uses IR remote so there is no way easy/clean way to track power on or off, so I use an input_boolean to track it then adjust the look of the remote using conditional cards.
alias: toggle_tv
description: template for turning on tv via remote power_toggle
description: remote entity to work on
description: source name to use on power on
- service: remote.send_command
entity_id: remote.{{ entity_name }}
command: power_toggle
- delay: 4
- service: remote.send_command
entity_id: remote.{{ entity_name }}
command: "{{ initial_source }}"
- service: input_boolean.toggle
entity_id: input_boolean.{{ entity_name }}
mode: queued
icon: mdi:television
max: 10