Button to play a radiostation that is in the radiobrowser

I have a set of kef lsx speakers, and i want to play radiostations over it.
when i open the radiobrowser and i select a country and a radiostation, then this radio station is played over the speakers.

But how can i add a shortcut to a radiostation on the dashboard, so that other members of the house only have to choose choose a card or something to listen to that radiostation?

You can create a helper button and an automation. Or for a better experience try following this and check out some of his other videos which enhance this further.

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Thanks, i already followed this tutorial, but it didn’t work for me.

in the meantime i tried something else.
i made an automation that played a radiostation trough the radiobrowser

In the tutorial they called an service to play the media
I have choosen the mediaplayer, and that did it working

Can you please share your code? Because it’s not working for me after following the video tutorial.

I ended up with this script which does nothing if I run it:

alias: "Media: Play La Patate Douce"
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: media-source://radio_browser/4d4a1c8a-8aae-4431-af41-4b9821399003
      media_content_type: music
      enqueue: replace
      entity_id: media_player.google_nest_mini_salon
mode: single
icon: mdi:radio

The radio station I’m trying to play from HA is La Patate Douce:

(I notice that, for some unknown reason, this station is not listed when browsing the RadioBrowser catalog from within HA which might be the root cause… :man_shrugging: )