I have a IKEA Styrbar remote freshly added to zigbee2mqtt. When looking at the device info, i see that there are no automations, no scripts, and no scenes configured.
BUT when i press the on button on the remote, an other zigbee switch is triggered and my coffee maker turns on. If i press the off button, the coffee maker turns off.
I’ve never configured these actions (coffee maker ON/IFF) to be triggered for these buttons. The device info is empty. I don’t know why this is happening and can’t figure out how to reconfigure it.
Even if i remove and re-add the devices, the situation remains the same.
I’ve tried that. I see entries for the button and subsequent entries for the triggered switch, all matching the situation: press button → trigger switch
But I haven’t configured that to happen, and as such i don’t find a way to change the button actions (as nothing seems to be configured).
Maybe I’m missing a place where one can configure such actions for triggers, beyond scripts and automations?
You could try this: Install GitHub - frenck/spook: Spook 👻 Not your homie and then rename the zigbee switch that is connected to your coffee maker. If the switch is configured in any way Spook should give you a notification that it is missing from for example an automation. If that doesn’t give you anything I would try renaming both devices and see if that solves anything.