Buy a ready2use zigbee2mqtt stick - flashed, antenna mod and printed case

Hi Petertoye

I have just joined the community here and cannot see how to DM to @H4nc to order the Milight Hub? Can you explain to me how please? Many thanks!

Hi @h4nc I would like to purchase the Mi-Light hub please! Can you please DM me the details and price and how to purchase please? Many thanks!

Hi @Gazzelle,

I will send you a DM.

BTW new users cannot send direct messages, so that’s the reason why you couldn’t send one.

Hi Hans, could you PM me regarding a zigbee2mqtt stick? Im a new user so unfortunately i cant PM you.

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I bought in the last couple of month 3 device from h4nc . Each of them runs fine. The zigbee usb stick works like a charm since a month. Highly recommended and the support is quick and helpful
thank you

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This looks cool!

From what I understand, one of this devices would be able to replace both my Sonoff RF and my Broadlink RM3(it acts as a control remote for tv), and control it from home assistant?

What does the LED part do, is it just aesthetics RGB?


Yes, but it depends on the devices you are using. Therefore I would suggest to have a look at the supported devices list.

It’s a blue LED which can be turned on/off via MQTT.

If you are interested please send me a PM.

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Just received my RFlink mini yesterday and it was a very positive surprise how easily I could add this gateway to my Homeassistant. Just few lines in configuration.yaml under “rflink”. I tested the Rflink mini by sending a key press from one of my 433Mhz remote controllers which controls one NEXA outlet. Homeassistant automatically detected this key press and defined my NEXA outlet as a light instance. A genuine plug-and-play I would say! Now I can toss away my old Tellstick :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have a weird question, I have on the first zigbee2mqtt sticks, and I cant quite remember…
Is it supposed to have a light when its plugged in?
I feel like my adapter just sopped working, but I dont remember whether it had an indicator light or not.

EDIT: By feeling like it stopped working, I mean that in the logs it says that it cant find the adapter


when you plug in your coordinator it should light up green (see this link). However there is an option (disable_led: true) in the z2m configuration to turn off the LED when you start z2m.

Let’s discuss further questions via PM.

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Please DM me regarding the zigbee2mqtt stick, shipping to Austria.

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Im interested also in your devices. Can you DM me also? Do you have some webshop or something? thanks

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Hello! Im interesting in your MiLight hub with a pcb antenna. How can I order it?

Hi @SamITSupport,

I will send you a DM.

Original Milight iBox v6 is not reliable, almost need to reboot before I want to control MiLight led strip. This issue bothers me for a long time.
Just look for the alternative way to control MiLight led strip. I am new register account here, @h4nc could you PM me for the MiLight Hub information (cost for shipping to Taiwan, pay method)?
Thanks !

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Hello, do you still sell the flashed stick? please let me know.

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Hi @h4nc - I’m also interested in the zigbee2mqtt stick and shipping to Ireland! Please DM whenever you get a chance. Cheers

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Besides the CC2531 I’m now also offering the more powerful CC2538+CC2592 (MODKAM V3 stick). It’s able to handle more devices and it should have a better range too. I also designed a case for it, which looks similar to my other devices.


Hi Hans,

I am interested in ordering both the new and improved Zigbee2MQTT Stick and the Milight with external antenna devices, for shipping to NL. Would you be so kind to DM me?


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I’m interested about CC2538+CC2592 and If You can customise the antenna, a bigger one?
Also shipping details to Romania.
Thank You!

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