Buzz my phone when garage door is open

I’d like my phone to notify me every five minutes while the garage door is open. I think it’s a trigger based on a state. Any pointers?

this looks close Notify if garage door is open for longer than 5 minutes after 8pm

I have a similar thing set up as an automation which looks like this in the simple setup
WHEN: your garage door position sensor changes from CLOSED to OPEN for time
THEN DO: perform action 'Notifications: Send a notification via mobile_app_your phone

YAML version
alias: “Notify: Garage Door Open”
description: Sends message if garage door is open for > 1 minute
mode: single

  • entity_id:
    • cover.garage_door_2
      to: open
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
      from: closed
      trigger: state
  • action: notify.mobile_app_geoff_pixel_6
    message: Garage door is open

Yes, a state trigger based on the cover state & your action could include a ‘repeat until’ loop until the door is closed.


Oh yes, totally forgot about Alerts. Nice.

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