Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

That’s correct, there is only one version that corresponds to release tag on GitHub.

Okay so that means I’m good in relation to your version.
I copied all your repo over again and now it seems to be working - don’t know why it didn’t.

Now I just need to figure out why my panel doesn’t show the round buttons when I enable it and why my panel in Lovelace only shows the keypad when the alarm is armed.

I have it disable as round buttons still have rectangular things inside them, pretty ugly imho.

that’s the way it works. it only shows keypad when one need it, possibly to save screen space.

You are actually right :smile:

That makes sense, but I have enabled that the alarm can’t be armed without a pin:

So I thought I should see it here as well - No keypad (lovelace view):

EDIT: I can see others already have written about this and created an issue on your git.

Thanks so far.

I can’t get my keypad to show on my lovelace card. It does work when I open alarm from the side panel. Do I have to configure anything else other than the pin code?

2 everyone interested in Lovelace alarm card - this integration was designed before Lovelace and therefore at the moment cannot be seamlessly controlled from the standard Lovelace alarm card.
I don’t have enough knowledge/time to develop a custom alarm card for Lovelace to take into account all advanced features of this integration. Hence any help in this department is highly appreciated as most of the functionality is already there and I can easily explain what’s missing.

Therefore so far for most of the Lovelace issues I ask users to create a new Feature Request and have no clear timescale when it could be implemented.
Hope it makes sense.

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No, it is an MQTT Alarm Control Panel component. I have it working with the SmartThings Smart Home Monitor smartapp, Smartbridge and MQTT broker add-ons, and the Lovelace alarm panel card. I don’t see the bwalarm interacting with the MQTT broker at all, so I’m wondering if there is an issue with the config, and I wanted to see another person’s working MQTT config in bwalarm.

The topics work as long as they are enclosed in quotes. The MQTT alarm panel was already working in Home Assistant but I need to add an extra layer of security with a passcode so someone can’t disarm the alarm system in SmartThings with a button press in Home Assistant.

Well, the current code does not require a code when receiving MQTT messages/service calls as it’s assumed that the security layer is a password one uses to publish MQTT messages.

I do. To see that you need to enable MQTT in Settings and then send an appropriate payload to set alarm/disarm and see its state changed in the state topic.

Yes, it does. But, it doesn’t trigger the alarm if only there. It needs to be too in immediate or delayed… At least that’s what I can see with my setup.

Good point. After pondering that I can say that any sensor should be in immediate or delayed groups to trigger the alarm, and can optionally be in override group to ignore its active state when setting the alarm.

Does it make sense?

Yes !
Exactly that.

Thanks Ahmad for supporting this component!

I’m finally upgrading to the “new ui” after running my fork of the previous gazoscalvertos for the last year. Updating my konnected firmware and HA version to current has forced me into updating!

One of things I changed in my previous fork was to increase the button sizes and fonts for the Home and Away buttons, and the digits buttons. I find the current implementation way too small on my landscape Fire tablet. Font sizes don’t appear to be part of the new customizable Theme feature.

Has anyone done any work on this? I’ve spent some time trying to tweak the css but without much luck so far.

Also, on HA 0.96.5, the sidebar doesn’t properly hide. Any fix for that?


Interestingly, some people on this forum and myself have completely opposite issue - it’s too large on small screens and one need to scroll down to tap on Disarm, for example.
Perhaps it depends on your screen resolution as the alarm.css has several settings.
In the latest original version it was harder to adjust some of the parameters, especially the bottom bit with keypad, sensors, log and settings shortcuts.
I haven’t played with themes yet, have you tried to change anything via Settings → Design?

I haven’t updated my HA to the version in which they changed the sidebar’s behaviour so cannot test. If anyone has a fix, they can create a PR on Github and I’ll eventually merge it. Or just wait until September :wink:

Thanks for the reply!

As far as I can tell, there’s nothing in Settings>Design that will help with sizes. I experimented modifying the CSS and HTML: in the CSS, i tweaked the div.digits values within the “SM > 768” (min-width: 768px) section, adjusting the height to reduce the spacing there. But I still haven’t found a way to increase the size of the mwc-button, or to increase the size of the fonts. (my experiments with the font-size and mwc-button size had no effect - there must be something I’m missing).

I also changed the HTML to use the 123/456/789/c0d pattern, even on larger screens (I just can’t get used to having the 0 on the right like that!)

What’s the plan for the sidebar in September?

Thanks again,

For the sidebar issue, go to your Profile settings in HA and select “Always hide the sidebar”. That will stop it from showing up in the Alarm page.

As for the button size, the best I’ve been able to do is play with the Zoom and Scaling settings in Fully Kiosk to get the panel so I don’t have to scroll. The original code used paper-button for the keys, but HA went to mwc-button as a replacement and it seems to have some issues with the ability to change the font size and height at least with the alarm code.

A couple release back of Ahmad’s fork, I successfully included this code:

and changed everything back to paper-button. I then had the nice big buttons back. Ahmad made a lot of changes in the later releases and I wasn’t successful in the later releases.

Aha! That works- thanks.

I see. It would be nice to figure this out. I’ll try zooming in Fully, but that’s not the greatest solution, so I’ll plan on experimenting some more.


yeah, I mixed it up with colours. css for sizes. don’t remember what exactly I changed, but it looks better than the original version on my 7" tablet.
could you post your screen so I have an idea?

I don’t quite get it…

could you tell us how exactly to use your code, even with the original component? then I might be able to integrate your solution.

probably you included your code before the “New UI” release because I think I did only cosmetic changes in alarm.css/html.

yeah, I mixed it up with colours. css for sizes. don’t remember what exactly I changed, but it looks better than the original version on my 7" tablet.
could you post your screen so I have an idea?


It’s difficult to photograph without reflections, but here you go.

You can see i’ve rearranged the buttons to have four rows, with ‘1 2 3’ in the first row and ‘CLEAR 0 DISARM’ in the bottom row, instead of three rows with ‘1 2 3 CLEAR’ at the top, etc You can also see that on this screen, there’s a lot of wasted space. The buttons and text could all be much larger. As it is, they’re too small and hard to read.

And in the disarmed screen, it’s just a huge open expanse with two tiny buttons “HOME” and “AWAY”… I actually prefer the old way where it showed the open sensors on the the arming screen so you could immediately see what you need to close before leaving. Has anyone tried to bring that back (maybe as an option?)

Thanks for the pictures.
In the last original release from November 2018 (?) the bottom part occupies much more than it needs (you can see the greyish rectangle), that’s one of the reasons. The bottom bit is a bit oversized, too, but it’s easier to shrink.

So what’s your ideal Armed screen then?

I don’t remember that - do you happen to have a picture?

Hi Ahmad,
I included the button-card.js after you forked the project. Basically I just went in and changed all the mwc-button back to paper-button. I also reverted back to all the lines that had “/DS/” changes (author of those mods?). That all worked fine and I had the big block keypad that displayed nicely on the tablets. The release you made to change to HACS,I believe you also made some changes to help with screen size? I tried to do the same changes against that release and the keypad got jumbled together. I’m not a css/html programmer, so it was probably a simple error on my part. I just haven’t had a chance to figure it out and I went back to the release code. If you or someone else can look at it, the button-code.js does/did work and returns the nice readable buttons we had before HA changed to MWC.
