Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

I was also having blank alarm panel on web but had alarm panel on mobile. I downloaded the /custom_components/bwalarm folder from GitHub replaced the existing /bwalarm in HA and now have a working panel on both web and mobile. However, I am not able to make any changes on the settings page of the alarm panel. When changing tabs in the settings page, it stays on the about tab.

bwalarm v 1.12.1
hassio 0.104.3

Have you cleared cache of your browsers?

I canā€™t for the life of me get this integration sorted. I had the original custom alarm setup at one point, but never really used it. Recently I went to use it, and noticed it broken. I went to the github and looked through the issues to see that the integration and forked and had been updated there. I downloaded and replaced all the files and changed the config. This is what Iā€™m getting:


Config is as follows:

alarm_control_panel: !include resources/bwalarm/bwalarm.yaml

Could you please open a new issue here as this topic is not for reporting problems?

I take you just replaced files of your original alarm with ones from my Github?
If so, it wonā€™t work, please read installation instructions first.
Iā€™d recommend to remove the old stuff and install it from scratch and then configure (you can reuse parts of your alarm.yaml if you want, just save it somewhere safe).

yes I did.

I removed everything, reinstall and settings is still not accessible. I will open a new issue, I only posted here because I saw other people discussing it.

I only use the side panel for controlling the arm/disarm state ( and adjusting alarm settings) other than the link with my hardwired alarm (see next point). I donā€™t use a Lovelace alarm card at all. The reason this side panel was created (aside from being the only way to control things in the beginning of this component) is that you can (at least could previously) make it such that the side panel was the only screen the user would have access to if the alarm was armed (this was an optional feature) and then once the alarm was disarmed the rest of the HA GUI would be available. It was a way of locking the interface if armed.

I do use the MQTT functionality heavily, as it keeps HA synchronised with my hard-wired alarm system.

Thanks for keeping this component going, itā€™s awesome.

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That answer was to another person but yes, please do that and provide as much info about the component and_what_ and how you did so I could reproduce it.

I think I now know how to do this. But Iā€™d need access to the information which is possibly just internal to the alarm system: what has tripped the alarm.

Iā€™ve installed the HACS integration ā€˜variableā€™ and my plan was to compare a sensor turning on against a stored variable, which would = the sensor which originally tripped the alarm.

Any idea on how to do this? Thanks!

itā€™s in (if you didnā€™t change it in your config) and the attribute in question is changed_by.

But whatā€™s the point of it, briefly?

Thanks for this. The point is as outlined above. But to give you a use case, last night my alarm went off erroneously twice, at 4.18 and 5.13am. I have three theories.

  1. Faulty Xiaomi PIR (which has worked flawlessly for a year hitherto)
  2. Low battery on Xiaomi PIR causing false positives?
  3. Android tablet screen in kitchen turning on erroneously in an otherwise pitch dark kitchen causing a false positive.

I got notified on each occasion which was a bit scary. I want to instead only get notified (and woken) if TWO sensors are tripped within quick succession of each other.

How about using Bayesian sensor (havenā€™t used it yet but people use it exactly for that)?

collect statistics and then get rid of the faulty one if confirmed.

monitor batteries on a regular basis to avoid it

Are we talking about Passive InfraRed sensors?

By the way, the changed_by attribute wonā€™t help you if you hoped to capture its change after the alarm is tripped as I intentionally stop updating it when it happens to see what triggered the alarm.

Itā€™s a thought, certainly. Iā€™ll have a look through the forum for config ideas.

Yep, will be doing this.

Impossible without taking out the battery as the sensors donā€™t report any useful (read: reliable) battery info by telemetry, but something Iā€™ll have to look into!

Are we talking about Passive InfraRed sensors? We are.

Thanks, good tip, but actually that should be OK as Iā€™ll use regular automations and regular sensors to compare the captured variable against further developments!

Well, I have an automation that notifies me if a sensor _did not send a reading within a given interval (24hrs for PIRs). That way I know it has low batteries/out of RF range/broken.

it doesnā€™t go well with

as screens should not normally emit any tangible IR :wink:

Iā€™ll freely admit Iā€™m not an expert on this, but isnā€™t that a fundamental misunderstanding of what a PIR sensor does?

Since the primary source of infrared radiation is heat or thermal radiation , any object which has a temperature radiates in the infrared . Even objects that we think of as being very cold, such as an ice cube, emit infrared The warmer the object , the more infrared radiation it emits

Perhaps my forum search failing me, but I failed to find anyone reporting use of a bayesian sensor to help stop false positives.

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Donā€™t limit yourself by this forum and ā€˜false positivesā€™ - itā€™s a more universal sensor (1 and 2). Have to admit it might be heavy lifting for someā€¦ well, another option is to create a template binary sensor that does the job for less.
Hope you get the idea. PM me your non-working config if you get stuck :wink:

Thanks. Iā€™m familiar with the concept and the principles, I just dislike the inevitable fine tuning I know lies in wait for me with a Bayesian sensor. I donā€™t like the ā€˜greyā€™ that exists with such sensors, preferring the binary nature of an on/off sensor! :smiley:
Anyway the kitchen PIR is going nuts today. Itā€™s either suddenly gone faulty, has a low battery or itā€™s the tablet. Going to investigate which! Thanks

as I said, make your own binary sensor out of whatever sensor you have - 2 PIRs? itā€™s 5 mins job.

Is it possible to trigger a automation if a certain user uses a specific code?
For example.

Iā€™ve set up a guest account.
When they disarm the alarm with their code I want to trigger a boolean that says that guest mode gets enabled.

Would that work?