BWT Perla Home

HA Integration for BWT Perla Home

Link to Github

A custom component for Home Assistant that delivers data from the water softener BWT Perla Home.


Your BWT Perla Home device needs to be connected with your local Wifi network. You need to know the ip address of your BWT device and your login code.

Following data will be provided:

  • [as attribute] flow today in liter
  • [as attribute] flow in this month in liter
  • [as attribute] flow in this year im m³
  • [as attribute] remaining regeneration agent in %
  • [as entity value] refill regeneration agent in days


  • copy the bwt_perla_home folder (including files) into custom_components folder
  • add sensor entity to configuration.yaml file
- platform: bwt_perla_home
  name: BWT
  password: "your_password"
  scan_interval: 3600 #in seconds
  • restart home assistant

Best Practice for Dashboard

The multiple-entity-row card is perfect to display the attributes. You can find example code for the shown card above on Github.


Danke für das Erstellen der Integration :slight_smile: Ich würde die wohl auch gerne benutzen. Das Passwort ist das was für die Servicetechniker verwendet wird, oder das gleiche wie bei der App? Wenn es das für dem Servicetechniker ist, frage ich mich, wie man daran ran kommt…

Firmware not available in uk according to Uk and DE support
sept 2024

Same issue in France.
Information from the customer service : The ‘french firmware’ is not compatible with this add-on.