C-bus toolkit running on windows 7 - how to connect to HA

Hi good people,

I have set up HA on RPI for a friend and we need to link his c-bus powered equipments like lights to HA now.

He’s got a Windows 7 laptop which got c-bus toolkit installed and i can see all the lights on it.

In so many forums, people are saying setup cgateweb on rpi and etc. the problem is we run toolkit (along with other softwares for his cameras etc.) on Windows 7.

Can anyone point me to correct direction on how to setup MQTT and link it to c-bus and HA all in Windows?


better a late reply than no reply at all!

Check out the Cbus Python project https://github.com/micolous/cbus
it uses MQTT through to HA and connects to Cbus by either a serial or CNI

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