Caddx Alarm Panel with USR-TCP232-302 Modbus

Hi, I am trying to get my control panel working with HA. Its a GE Caddx NX-8 with the serial port control. I was using NX584 but found that it lost connection often. I don’t know where I saw a link but somewhere I saw someone using a TCP server USR-TCP232-302 to connect to either a Caddx or similar panel. I bought the device and it’s been on the back burner for a year or so. Now I can seem to find any instructions on how to connect to HA. Any advice or direction would be appreciated!

OK partially answered my own question. The process is described on the following github…

However, when I try to install the addon, I get the following error…

The command ‘/bin/ash -o pipefail -c pip3 install --upgrade pip’ returned a non-zero code: 1

Not sure if anyone has ideas. I will have to try and track down where this command is coming from. I suspect /bin/ash should be /bin/bash?

see GitHub - heatvent/nx584