I get this error:
ValueError: Template error: as_timestamp got invalid input ‘10:38:49’ when rendering template ‘value: “{{ states(‘input_datetime.watermeter_timestamp_nu’) |as_timestamp - states(‘input_datetime.watermeter_timestamp_vorige’)|as_timestamp }}”’ but no default was specified
I get this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘NoneType’ and ‘NoneType’
My watermeter has a reed-contact attached to it. Every 0.5 liter a sensor is updated with the exact amount of water that is used.
I want to use an automation that triggers on every statechange of this sensor.
action 1: copy the current timestampt to the entity that’s holding the previous timestamp
action 2: set the current timestamp to ‘now’
action 3: calculate the difference between the current and the previous timestamp in seconds
action 4: calculate what the water usage would have been per minute when running the water for a longer time:
Steps 1 and 2 are working, step 3 is failing (see errors), step 4 is what I’ll write when step 3 is functioning in developper-tools.
Both input_datetime.watermeter_timestamp_nu and input_datetime.watermeter_timestamp_vorige do have a value stored
(see screenshot)
3 seconds between 2 pulses gives:
60 / 3 * 0.5 = 10 liter/minute
Since my installation does not allow me to consume more than 12 liters/minute, what would give 2.5 seconds between each pulse, I’m more than happy with a rounded accuracy of 1 second (round(0) for 2.5 seconds equals 3, and this gives me 10 liters/minute. The longer the time between 2 pulses the more accurate the reading is.
Starting the second pulse after opening the water faucet I get accurate measures, because when not using water for a long time, it’s possible that there are 100’s or 1000’s of seconds between the first 2 measurements.
Updated 40 minutes after inital message:
I found my mistake. I forgot to reload the input_datetime entities, to reflect the change from has_date
, to true
Now I’m struggeling with another issue.
When I stop using water, the timedelta remains 4 seconds in this example. So virtually the water keeps running.
- action: input_number.set_value
value: "{{ 60 / states('input_number.watermeter_timestamp_verschil') | round(0) * 0.5 }}"
entity_id: input_number.watermeter_verbruik