Calculated Number - glitching (new since core-2021.12.9)

This problem only appeared since I upgraded to core-2021.12.9. I have since also upgraded to core-2021.12.10 - problem still there.

I have two real sensors (Outside/Inside Temp), MQTT based.
I have a calculated sensor which is the difference between the two (Difference = Inside - Outside)
The calculated input is ‘glitching’ and behaving as if [Outside] is zero occasionally - even though it never is.
And because I use an Automation based on [Difference], the automation is triggering incorrectly.

Shown below are the raw MQTT values over a recent short interval, as seen at the MQTT broker. As can be seen - the raw data shows no cases of ‘zero’ at any time.

Shown below is the calculated difference over the same period.
Notice that the Difference glitches occasionally to approx +26C which happens to be the INDOOR temp. This implies the Difference Calculation is [Indoor-0], instead of [Indoor-Outdoor]


- sensor:
  - name: "Diff temperature"
    unique_id: diff_temp
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    state: >
          {% set indoor = states('sensor.indoor_temperature') | float %}
          {% set outdoor = states('sensor.outdoor_temperature') | float %}
          {{ (indoor - outdoor) | round(1, default=0) }}

The YAML has round(1, default=0) but the Default = 0 is NOT the problem … as if the default case was triggered, then Difference would glitch to zero … not the INDOOR temp.


Try this:

- sensor:
  - name: "Diff temperature"
    unique_id: diff_temp
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    state: >
          {% set indoor = states('sensor.indoor_temperature') | float(none) %}
          {% set outdoor = states('sensor.outdoor_temperature') | float(none) %}
          {{ (indoor - outdoor) | round(1, default=none) }}

This should put gaps in your graph instead of spikes.

But … if the default=0 was the issue, then my ‘glitches’ would show zero. They don’t.

EDIT: Just noticed this … float(none). Will try.