Calculating new values out of two attributes

I am currently strugling with doing a sum calculation for to values. but also just converting the time as a start

{{ (as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.city1_to_city2', 'departure')) }}
{{ (as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.city1_to_city2', 'departure'))  + as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.city1_to_city2', 'delay')) }}

the attributes I receive from a sensor

departure: "23:19"
arrival: "23:51"
transfers: 0
time: "0:26"
  - S
price: null
ontime: false
delay: 6
canceled: false
delay_arrival: 0
next: "23:34"
next_delay: 0
next_canceled: false
next_on: "23:49"
next_on_delay: 3
next_on_canceled: false

any advise how to do this?


What are the units for delay? Is that 6 seconds, minutes, or hours? My guess is minutes but I would rather be sure before proceeding with a solution.

It is minutes. Thanks for asking!

{{ (today_at(state_attr('sensor.city1_to_city2', 'departure')) + 
    timedelta(minutes = state_attr('sensor.city1_to_city2', 'delay'))).strftime('%H:%M') }}

Or it can be written like this using variables. It makes the last line a bit easier to understand.

{% set s = 'sensor.city1_to_city2' %}
{% set dt = state_attr(s, 'departure') %}
{% set d = state_attr(s, 'delay') %}
{{ (today_at(dt) + timedelta(minutes = d)).strftime('%H:%M') }}
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Amazing this worked!
Which language is this script using?

Home Assistant’s templating language is Jinja2.


Building templates

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Is there any way to get the values out of the “departures” as there information is richer?

departure: "23:19"
arrival: "23:51"
transfers: 0
time: "0:26"
  - S
price: null
ontime: false
delay: 6
canceled: false
delay_arrival: 0
next: "23:34"
next_delay: 0
next_canceled: false
next_on: "23:49"
next_on_delay: 3
next_on_canceled: false
  - departure: "23:19"
    arrival: "23:51"
    transfers: 0
    time: "0:26"
      - S
    price: null
    ontime: false
    delay: 6
    canceled: false
    delay_arrival: 0
  - departure: "23:34"
    arrival: "00:06"
    transfers: 0
    time: "0:32"
      - S
    price: null
    ontime: true
    delay: 0
    canceled: false
    delay_arrival: 0
  - departure: "23:49"
    arrival: "00:21"
    transfers: 0
    time: "0:29"
      - S
    price: null
    ontime: false
    delay: 3
    canceled: false
    delay_arrival: 0

Yes but which one?

departures is a list containing three items.

All 3 of them? I would build templates accessing values. later I can put them into lovelace cards.