I’ve just finished setting up AMR2MQTT that uses the RTLAMR project to read utility meters (gas, water, etc) and bring those values into home assistant.
In it’s base form, this creates a device in HA with a single attribute - total consumption. This value increments indefinitely to show total usage for billing purposes. For example it might be 305 this month, and 310 the next month, and I’ll be billed for 5 units.
This reading has a sufficiently high precision (three decimal places) and is updated once per minute.
What I’d like to do is find a way to use this value to calculate a “current usage” value. For example if the reading is 350.5 one minute, and 350.6 the next minute, I’d like the value to be 0.1 units per minute. Combining this with my other smart data, I can see what gas devices are using the most, for example.
I’ve found the utility meter helper, which seems to be along the lines of what I’m looking for, but this seems to calculate at monthly, daily, or at most in 15-minute intervals.
Does anyone know how I can calculate and track this value at a 1 or 2 minute interval?