Calculationg a date from now with a calculated day template


I am struggling to calculate a date (DD.MM.YYYY) from today with the help of a working template. The template looks like this

{{ (((states("sensor.balkonkraftwerk_amortisation_fortlaufend")) | float(default=0) / ((states("sensor.strompreis_taglich_aktuell_pro_kwh")) | float(default=0) * (states("sensor.taglicher_balkonkraftwerk_fortlaufend")) | float(default=0))*-1)) | round(0) }} Tage

and it gives back the following:


I want it to look like

06.Nov 2025

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

{% set diff = (((states("sensor.balkonkraftwerk_amortisation_fortlaufend")) | float(default=0) / ((states("sensor.strompreis_taglich_aktuell_pro_kwh")) | float(default=0) * (states("sensor.taglicher_balkonkraftwerk_fortlaufend")) | float(default=0))*-1)) | round(0) %}
{{ (today_at() + timedelta(days=diff)).strftime('%d.%b %Y') }}

Works like a charm. Thank you Sir.