Caldav no events found

I have this in my configuration…

  - platform: caldav
    url: !secret caldav_url
    username: !secret caldav_username
    password: !secret caldav_password
      - 'Personal'
      - 'Family'
      - 'Holidays'
      - 'Work'

  - platform: caldav
    url: !secret caldav_url
    username: !secret caldav_username
    password: !secret caldav_password
      - name: 'School Events'
        calendar: 'School'
        search: 'School Events'
      - name: 'School Holiday'
        calendar: 'School'
        search: 'Holiday'

…and I can see the calendars in the States page. However, the attributes for each calendar entities are empty except friendly name.

I have created a test event in my calendar but nothing change and the state is always off.

My Caldav server is Nextcloud.

Anyone facing this?

My understanding is that the calendar is shown as ‘off’ with no further attributes if there is no active event found, i.e. no ongoing calendar event at the current time.
I’m using SOGo and only single events work correctly. Recurring events or all-day events do not work.

This configuration creates a calendar.waste item that is Off when there is no item in the calendar, and On when there is. The only difference I can see is the quotes in the calendar name

  - platform: caldav
    url: !secret owndrive_url
    username: !secret owndrive_username
    password: !secret owndrive_password
      - Waste

As I said in the other thread, the search field is a regular expression. So if your title/description/location has some other char in it, it won’t work. search: ‘Holiday’ won’t match ‘Holidays’ nor ‘Summer Holiday’.


search: '.*Holiday.*'


search: '.*(Holiday|Vacation).*'

Latter will match Holiday/Holidays/Summer Vacation/Vacations’ etc etc…

@masterkenobi Did you ever figure a fix to nothing appearing in the calendar but the friendly name?

I have changed to Google Calendar now.

Yeah I was using Google calendar too up until Friday it just stopped working so thought I’d try caldav with iCloud and that doesn’t work. Not sure what’s going on with the calendars and why I can’t get anything to work all of a sudden.

I have exactly the same issue although I use different self hosted CalDav solution.