Caldev for icloud not updating?

I’ve created a caldev for integrating my apple calendar into HA. It has found all the calendar’s, but no events/dates are loaded. I noticed it’s also not updating since the first time when I view the individual calendar entities.

So basically I have multiple empty calendar entities. Am I missing something in either icloud or HA why it’s not updating?

  - platform: caldav
    username: !secret account_email
    password: !secret apple_icloud_key

I did notice this error in my log (which is refering to ‘Gezin’ which is one of the calendars in my Icloud)

Logger: homeassistant.components.calendar
Source: helpers/
Integration: Calendar (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:12:17 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:12:17 PM

Entity id already exists - ignoring: calendar.gezin

I think I can answer my own question. By default it pulls in both the calendar and the reminders. And both of them had a ‘gezin’ group (I never used the reminders app for ages and hadn’t looked at it). The one in reminders was empty and was being pulled in first, ignoring the ‘gezin’ from the calendar.